
Honestly mother fuckers in his 60's in America. I'd have been more surprised if he wasn't racist.

I've never seen Manhunter but that actually looked like a really great interpreation of Lectre and now I'm interested.

I loved Boston Legal and had no idea Alan Shore was in the Practice, I might need to track down those seasons to watch.

rotoscoped would be cool, but I'd prefer the make up since I've never seen that done in a movie before.

I doubt it would happen but I'd love to see all the makeup done like those really amazing borderlands cosplayers that translate the ink lines art look to real life amazingly.

I was going to say Leslie Knope but man there are some good choices here. Working for Jean Luc Piccard would be great if not for the high mortality rate.

Alien space marine and video game space marines are a pretty different beast though, the space marines you get in Halo or Gears of War have more in common with Warhammer 40k space marines then alien. In terms of comparing em to movies, Master Chief would be closer to Rambo then Ripley, as far as films go we don't

I'm don't know what that fucker Zeitgeist thinks of it but Luther is fucking phenomenal.

Whatever film you're assuming System Shock is a derivative of I guess?

AC 1's actual assassins were amazing, and they've only JUST started going back in that direction with Unity (with limited success)

Bioshock's story is super derivitaive though. It's the exact same general plot as System shock with a different setting.

That's actually a minor plot point, after AC 1 altair becomes the leader of the assassins and is like 'yo we need to stop chopping off our ring fingers, it makes it SUPER obvious who's an assassin and we keep getting killed" It's also why the outfits become gradually less and less obviously 'I'm an assassin' red/white

They didn't replace it with nothing, they replaced it with a really cool idea that they keep fucking up the execution of. There's a sentient old god living in the internet that's created a third faction of worshiperes that is competing against the templars/assassins for the restoration of those who came before.

"He couldn't be in any hypothetical sequel unless they re-wrote the fiction and made him an ancestor of Callum Lynch rather than Desmond Miles."

The first good video game movie is 20 years old and called Mortal Kombat.

Mortal Kombat did all three of those and is the perfect god damm movie.

Still an arsehole, just a different kind of arsehoe.

Adventureland, Zombieland, Tommorwland is an even more confusing trilogy then that Guardians one…

Sucked in i still think that people in general are good and well meaning!