
God I feel like this conversation is entirely too polite and well meaning for this kind of subject, like I should threaten to do awful things to you're mother or something just to set the ballance right on the internet.

Nah it's cool, I'm completly aware that there are some things about sexisim and racisim and shit that I just plain don't understand and probbably as a white dude never will.

you guys are really determined to kill my optimism about people in general aren't you…

In defense of Big Bang Theories humor, the video where they replaced all of the canned laughter with Tidus's awkward forced laughter from FF X is the funniest shit I've ever seen

Oh god no, there's obviously a huge fucking problem you'd have to be fucking blind to not see that. That one particular one only stood out to me cause while the others are all gross bullshit that I can't imagine having to go through that one seemed like a misunderstanding that was completely unrelated to the actual

But it's working on the assumption that everyone is into following music journalisim and would automatically assume someone at a concert with a notepad is a music journalist. Which is a weird and wrong assumption to start with.
People are going to make assumptions based on their life experiences, people that follow

Jesus fuck, I've been trying to avoid the video of it and their playing the audio clips from it on the fucking radio news updates. Fuck you radio news update. Just… eat like a giant bag of fucks.

She's from an Electronic band. I wonder if that one really has much to do with gender or if it's people just being arrogant about music in general.

Ok so I can kind of understand the rational that leads people to beleive that it's all a false flag. I mean it's bugfuck crazy but I can kind of see it working as like a coping mechanisim to deal with awful shit. In a 'if it was a false flag operation and the kids never existed I don't have to deal with the fact I

As someone that used to frequent 4chan, I couldn't stand how hatefull and full of themselves reddit was for more then like a day. Jesus that is the worst fucking website.

I think you're giving the wider public FAR too much credit. Bakshi and Crumb were underground hits they never really became household names. Most peoples familiarity with Liquid Television begins and ends with that fucking awful Aeon Flux movie. More people are familiar with Arveys howling wolf shit from seeing it

Would they though? The idea that 'drawing = woman, woman = drawing' is a completely alien steryotype that I feel like I would have heard of before considering I'm usually the one with a notepad drawing shit. I'm in a lot of art communities and have studied art and shit at university and it's never been like a female

Escape from LA had one of my faviourte jokes in the series (After the "I WATCHED THEM ALL DIE!" From Penutbutters show) And that was the roadrunner and the cyote jogging out the front of Charlottes house in place of the monkey infront of Bojacks.

I think the big difference is between something attempting to do it, and something doing it well. 2 and a half men also attempted to be funny, but Bojack actually is funny.

Holy shit I only just watched Steven Universe, like I watched a couple of episodes when it started thought it was fun then mostly forgot about it. Started watching it again last weekend, finished the entire thing over the weekend. That show is fucking phenomenal and the fact that it's not more talked about then it is

I think most people are atleast kind of aware of the critic from the simpsons crossover.

Well fuck. That's sure fucking crazytown.

I get the whole asking you for coffee like you're an assistant thing is obviously sexist. But thinking you're drawing instead of writing doesn't seem like it has a gender component to it at all? It's just making a wrong assumption.

It's cause he's…. hot…. get it.. get it?

… what? I… so they think the kids from Sandy Hook are just hiding? What?
I'm so confused by this information.