
I'm sure he would in a heartbeat if someone offered to pay for it.

I can't wait till he gets to the stairs.

Yeah I don't get that either? Was she… drawing?

You know what fucking terrifies me, this guy has proved how easy it is to do and get famous, so this almost certainly isn't the last reporter that's gonna get shot on air now.

The only thing I can think of is I hope the fact this was actually televised might make it effect people more? Like they actually saw it and can't just push it away as something that happened somewhere else.

I'm avoiding shit like imgur and reddit today cause I'm worried as fuck I'm gonna see that shit and I can't handle that shit.

It wouldn't be a charred blast site, it would be an explosion frozen in time.

They wanted to shut Ashley Madison down, when they hacked the site they told Ashley Madison 'if you don't shut your website down we're going to post all you're users information online for everyone to see' Ashley Madison didn't shut down, so they posted the stuff.

Aren't they allready on bluray? I have 1-3 on bluray and their great, tonnes of audio commentaries and shit. Haven't gotten S4 yet cause I'm poor.

we're avoiding making jokes cause the fat jew will just steal em.

I don't think he actually needs to. He's not making films about 'the human experience' he's making films about films. If he was aiming to make big deep important meaningful movies and consistently failing then yeah it would be a valid criticism, but he's not. He's aiming to make films about film and what film actually

My parole officer says it does.

Actually thinking about it, I'm far closer to looking like a truck driver then a biker. I've got the gut and have to wear high viz vests for work.

that's the joke

I'll second this. I have a baby face so I hide it with a beard. Though I look more like a biker then a hipster.

I didn't get bitter about it… I got revenge…

Oh nothing about swept away sounds interesting, but I'm the kind of masochist that hunted down both Glitter and Crossroads to watch one weekend. (Glitter is legit fucking hilarious, Crossroads has no redeeming features)

See atleast I'll give Mr Fantastic the break that he didn't know what was going to happen. Like he didn't anticipate the fact that the cosmic rays were so strong or whatever. Doom should know what PUTTING ON A RED HOT METAL MASK DOES. It's not exactly a shocking surprise.

I really need to get around to watching those films just… to see them. I really enjoyed Rock N Rolla though and Toby Kebbel is easily my favorite bit of it. Now if only he'd stop fucking making remakes of old stories and make part fucking 2 allready.

That's… fucking… glorious.