
Final Girl has been a popular term in horror movies for years.

is that like .hack//Sign cause that was awful.

oh man I was watching my mate play through that he goes to talk to some princess and suddenly BOW CHICKA WOW! no fucking warning whatsoever

I would just like to point out FUCK DRAGON AGE ORIGINS ROMANCE!
I got dumped TWICE in that fucking game, first I was romancing my dwarf servant in the intro, then found him again on the overworld and he's like 'aww nah I got myself a family now baby" then I romance Alistair and he's like "aww nah you're just not human

Huh? She's super into BDSM, they're are hitns of it all through 3 and 4. Isn't the outfit she wears her superhero outfit from getting her super powers. I thought it was fitting as like an expression of who she actually is that she's usually trying to hide.

Van is just… the worst fucking charecter I've ever seen in an FF game. And there have been some pretty bad characters. Entirely turned me off of that game.

The Halo franchise. I wrote them off for so long as a dude bro shooter, played the first one a bit and whatever. But Halo 4 looked really good so I decided to give the first one a proper shot in the aniversert edition that had just come out. Ended up marathoning every halo game over like a week, reading all the

Hey I got mentioned in one of these! I'm famous now!

Is patience for lesser men Victor? You couldn't wait an hour….

See your problem is you have a soul. Get rid of that and it will be easy as fuck.

He's like a modern day Eric Bauman.

I loved RocknRolla, is that not generally accepted as a good guy richie movie?

You know… as loathed as I am to say it that's actually a better excuse then comic book doom's "Oh my god I have a tiny scar I need to hide my face I CANT WAIT FOR THE METAL MASK TO COOL DOWN I'M WEARING IT NOW! AND OH SHIT IT MELTED MY FACE!"

I hate that movie but respect your dedication to it.

It's the reason I never beat the game and never will. I got up to a mission that fucked me with check points, quit. Like 2 years later was like 'man why'd I quit this game' started it again, checkpoint fucked. "oh that's right' and got rid of the game. Even if they'd just had the missions start where the actual

See I wouldn't say Souls games or Masocore games are frustrating. Their infuriating wich might seem like a really small difference. But the big thing is those games when you die it's either by design as a 'lol fuck you this is where you die' bullshit trap in I wanna be the guy. Or it's you're fuck up cause you made

The MK Annihlation soundtrack is really really good. Good enough that I had it on cd and listened to it so much I convinced myself that MK Annihlation was a good film.

It was a fun for pointless button mashing, it was rubbish as an actual serious fighter though. Unfortunately all the new charecters are licenced under the dudes that made the EX games (Not capcom) so skullomania can never go back into the normal street fighter games.

best video game movie ever. Fuck everything.