
I'm partial to when it got shortened to HSCWDTKDTKTLFO by Kudrow

"This isn't about scientology though, this is about Improv theatre, and has nothing to do with scientology…."

ok I have no idea what occult budy cop show you're talking about?

I like that the show has used the word fuck twice, and both times it's been people from Bojacks past thoroughly rejecting him for being an awful person.
In season 1 it was Herb telling him to get the fuck out of my house
In season 2 it's "If you try to contact my family again I'll fucking kill you"

jesus that was a fortnight ago, move on.

Woo I win! I'm the best!

Unfunny loser nerd, shit man you've got all the capacity for insults of a 12 year old school bully. I mean lets say the 400 pound virgin talk hit close to home, do you really think a 400 pound virgin is going to get upset at something as weak as 'unfunny loser nerd' Is this your A game? For real?

oh jesus what rapier wit you have. No one's ever made jokes about overweight virgins ON THE INTERNET. That's crazy original man.
But then I suppose better to be a live 400 pound friendl virgin then a dead, 400 pound coke addict that payed hookers to get laid right….?

Oh jesus I just read his comment history, that shit's hilarious dudes a fucking loony.

Man I have no strong feeligns one way or the other about Farley, but you're certainly an absolute shit stain.

I was wondering if him being so into watching a horse make out had anything to do with Eqqus… but that might be reaching.

They were crickets, that was the joke when Bojack said a shitty joke and it just cut to the crickets in the audience in silence.

I literally had to pause the episode at "THEIR ALL DEAD I WATCHED THEM DIE!" cause I was laughing so hard. That's gotta be one of my faviourte jokes from the show.

Jesus I just went to wiki to check what all the exact details are cause I know there's talk of rape being involved in it too, and it's not even on his fucking wiki page apart from 'accusations of domestic violence'

why? He always came across as pretty likeable to me?

No Jason X? That's easily my faviourte in the Friday the 13th films.

That's kinda the point though, no one cares about genocide going down in cordovia when there's a celebrity scandal to look at.

I haven't seen the other episode you're talking about, but Mr PB's stance in this episode seems totally fair to me. Remember he spends the entire episode reading the death threats that Dianes getting. If my wife was doing something that was making us get death threats I'd be worried about her and want her to stop too.

To be fair, Christian Slater's carreer died super hard. I have no idea if that was tied to teh shit he did but after like 95 his carreer took a huge hit.

Sean Penn tied madonna to a chair and beat her for 9 hours.
That's totally something that should define who he is for the rest of his life, because he tied his wife to a chair and beat the shit out of her for 9 god damm hours.