
Shouldn't we though? I mean we should still care about women being silenced and cosby being a serial rapists obviously. But genocide is generally more important.

The best line from that will always be


I think it was more to point out there was WAY more serious shit going on at the time (Even if the hippo's crimes were straight up the same as Cosby, genocide outranks it) and no one gave a shit because they had celebrity gossip to discuss.

damming with faint praise.

I still think she should hook up with Todd.

I love that some of the darkest shit comes out of mr Penutbutter. Like last season with the universe is a cold uncaring void shit. That dude is seriously fucking dark.

"I just want to have an orgasam that's like seeing a rainbow but with all the colours"
"So just a normal rainbow then?"

Ok so the charecters are obviously stylised and their removing the stylisation from them and that's fine, But why doesn't Tifa, a trained fighter, look like a rando off the street rather then say, Rhonda Rousey?
Why does Lara Croft not look like a female gymnist? Broad shoudlers, no tits, musscle everywhere.

I'm really loving this show but I wish you wouldn't keep comparing it to the books. It should be taken on it's own not lammented that it's different.

I don't even think the hormones stunt their inteligence, their just raised in farm conditions and never taught how to interact with people so they revert to instinct. The Hormones just make em big and delicious.

Hell they did that joke in the recent Loony Toons show, with Porky discovering what his faviourte food (Salami) was made out of.

"Still, there’s quite literally no other show that would bring up these kinds of questions, "

Yeah we celebrate the attempted genocide of our native population on Australia Day.

Animals are the least of your worries camping in an Australian summer, the much bigger one is that you're outside in the sun in a fucking Australian summer! What the fuck are you insane?

Oh there would be illegal manufacture and distributing. Almost certainly, there would also be guns being shipped in from mexico and Canada.

you ban the sale of guns, and it's not going to work overnight, there will still be people that own guns and shit, but it's not going to be so easy for new people to get a hold of guns, and over time you'll start to see the amount of guns go down as guns malfunction and break and aren't able to be replaced etc.

He's trying to escape hell cause it's what he thought he wanted, not what he actually wanted. It's like a dude listens to metalica once and thinks he's into the hardest of the hardcore metal scene, then rocks up to a black metal conceret and is like "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!"

I have time for the first 4 in there own ways, but number 1 is clearly the best.

That's the difference between a Slasher and a horror film. Slashers aren't scary their fun. Horror films are unsetteling and scary. It's more on line with like Event horizon then ti is with Nightmare.