
Dude, did you just come of age?

It was worded in a backhanded way, making it seem like Weezer was trying to pass it off as a something they had come up with, themselves. Could've been phrased slightly better.

You might wanna listen to those Homie tracks from '97. Rivers was a pretty big goofball back then, too.

Ran a power-pop radio show for years. Had to sift through a lot of shit to get my set lists done. Jellyfish (and the majority of their spin-offs) would be nowhere near that shit. Both Andy Sturmer and Jason Falkner were massively underrated, especially the latter. His debut is one of the best albums of '96.

Sounds like someone doesn't like power-pop to begin with…and yet they're commenting on a latter day Weezer album? Too much time on your hands? I hear ya.

Also, yes, Jellyfish was generic in an era where grunge bands flooded the market. Totally see your logic there.

Most likely, yes.

ELO stole tons of stuff from The Beatles AND the Beach Boys. Better example?

You'd be shocked at all the stuff Brian lifted and put into Beach Boys songs.

Pretty much.

Summer Elaine, Girl, and Endless Bummer are all classic. I'd say they saved more than enough for the record. Just my opinion.

It was a grower for me, but when you realize that parts of the song were written in '97, it makes SO much more sense.

"He was sitting alone"

And Brian was influenced greatly by 40s and 50s vocal groups. Things build on each other.

Kind of like Neil Young's Trans.

Still wish we could hear the fabled group vocals version of Teenage Victory Song. Green needed better solos and less slick production and it would've been heralded. There's some great lyrics on that record.

It's been 15 years since Green, 14 since Maladroit, and 2 since EWBAITE. Still cherish them all.

So many fucking "everything is garbage after Pinkerton" posts.

1) Seagull Song
2) Sand Song
3) Beachball (s)?
4) Another Sand One

I know we've done a rock doc already, but GOD, if they did DIG I'd lose my shit.