
Billy Madison was peak Sandler absurdist humor and I think it deserves to be defended.

I like that he doesn't judge Earn one way or the other when he brings up the shooting, just that he's been following him. It's probably the most level headed he was during the entire episode. He doesn't jump to Earn's defense and say that the shooting is "just a misunderstood part of black culture", nor does he

Yup. Seems that way haha.

Fred Armisen's friendship with Matthew Sweet paid off. This was absolutely surreal to hear in the show, since I felt like I was the only one who KNEW this song.

Fred Armisen's friendship with Matthew Sweet paid off. This was absolutely surreal to hear in the show, since I felt like I was the only one who KNEW this song.


If anyone is interested, here's an interview my friend and I did with Stephen Holman who created Life With Loopy. He and his wife make fantastic stuff, be sure to check it out!

Heh, yeah, it's not like snarky girls in cardigans became a THING for me later in life.

Funny thing about the cereal commercial. On the WTF Podcast, Glover talked about how he didn't like confronting racial issues growing up, but was forced into it, due to growing up in Stone Mountain.


"I agree."

Funny thing about the cereal commercial. On the WTF Podcast, Glover commented that he never liked talking about race growing up, but that his surroundings in Stone Mountain made it a part of his life.

Cool beans.

"I thank God every day that I knew the lyrics to 'Enter Sandman'."

I've always liked Dana Carvey. His specials are pretty great, Clean Slate was underrated, he seems like a fantastic father, and he's Garth. This, however, doesn't look too amazing. I actually liked some his show from the 90s, but to me, he needs another film role to really get his career back on track.

You should check out the HoMIE cover band that did an albums worth of covers. Rivers himself owns a copy. Great stuff.

Studio politics. Apparently, Pork and Beans was written like, two months before the album was even supposed to come out. Rivers wanted something highly experimental, the studio wanted a commercial album. You'll notice there's a real dreamlike quality to some of the Red songs (IE Dreamin', Angel & The One, Pig, Miss

OK…that was pretty good.

Fair enough.

Regardless of your time constraints, stating that it's April Fools Day on April Fools Day is pretty fucking lame.