
His muscles and his good looks I suppose?

Yeah right? my best friend literaly saved my life and i'm so grateful for having her around. She's like the sister I've chosen and I would do anything for her. But I don't love her romantically, these are two different things.

I also finished Dexter. And Lost. I'm bulletproof.

Oh ok :) I must say I don't see it, but i understand.

You can see it the way you want of course, it's just that I don't see it that way :) I just see Cas a someone who has lived a very lonely life and Dean is his first friend since… ever. So of course he loves him.

I don't know, for me, friendship is something super deep, even deeper than family for some of my friends. I'd do anything for them.

Oh come on, he's his only friend! Why can't it be only friendship? If my best friend died I would howl like a wounded animal…

Oh really? Good! Let's hope the showrunners hear us and bring T. Penikett back. I mean, God resurrected Castiel, maybe he could resurrect Gadriel because he sacrificed himself to save heaven?

I completely agree! Crowley needs a mate!

Yeah you're right ;) Well, if you really loved someone and had the power to make this person come back to life, wouldn't you? I don't blame Sam, or the show, I would do just the same!

Yes exactly! I hope they can make him come back somehow in the next season, because i really thought him and Castiel had a good dynamic, and surprisingly it also worked with Sam. Penikett has a lot of charisma, he would really have his place in SPN.

I know but it would ruin all the suspense!

Well I think he looked like a pedophile and I wanted to kick him…

If George RR Martin had written Supernatural, it would have been a dream for fan fiction readers :D

Men of Letters spinoff would be really cool!

I hope there won't be a miracle cure…

Frankly I liked Penikett and I'm sad his character's gone. He could have been a great asset to the show.

I don't remember it either! There was just a one week hiatus.

That was a good finale! It was a little predictable of course, but Demon Dean is an interesting twist and I hope the writers will do something good out of it. For example, if they find a cure after three episodes, i'm going to be mad.

I think Sam said he wouldn't bring Dean back if Dean stated he didn't want to. That's slightly different. Plus Sam was angry.