
I loved it! The show is getting really good when I have many many doubts during season 1.

I was kinda disappointed in this episode, all the more since the show had improved greatly lately. I really don't understand why they killed Beth off and especially like this. I mean her death was absolutely dumb. Beth wasn't an idiot, so why attacking Dawn with that ridiculous knife?
I would have liked to see a nice

I think it was explained in the first episode. But even in 300 years, the blood cure thing is utter nonsense. That's a shame networks use that kind of subject without making basic research…

I agree though I think it could have been possible if this evolution had been better written and/or acted.

It sure would, Chernobyl happened 28 years ago, so it's a good example to see how things evolve after a nuclear catastrophe. And there's no way it will look like the 100's world in 70 years. And I'm not even talking about the grounders and space people adapting to radiations in less than a century, that's just

He stepped on a nail, let the zombies take care of him ;)

He's gonna get cancelled soon enough

Meanwhile, Maggie still gives 0 fucks about that blond girl who used to hang out with the rest of the group…

The worst part is you might be right…

Well that explains a lot thanks :) I wonder why they didn't keep that!

That might seem stupid but if there's one thing still bothering me about this show is how they expect us to believe that so many changes (people adapting to radiations, creation of a new language/culture…) happened in less than a century.

I have the impression that the writers somehow managed to scare themselves with Asylum and have been trying to tone AHS down since then. I mean I liked Coven, but it was objectively not on Asylum's level, and I really thought they would come back to what AHS used to be in Freakshow but frankly… Where's the Horror in

Well Rumple should have watched Charmed. Then he would have known about the power of three.

Oh look, there's my favorite leaf!

No KOOOORRRLL in this episode. Me likey.

There's no need to be that mean mitzi :/ They're real people, come on… If you don't like the show don't watch it, all right?

Haha yes I've heard about HIMYM's finale and I must say I've never watched this show so…let's say I'm close to being bulletproof! (And I finished the X-Files! Does that add some points to my credibility? :D)

Oh no not John…Please make Bobby come back but not John…

Nooo you can't say the ending was satisfying! I was almost crying and it was not because i was satisfied emotionally :D
