
I like Ken Jeong on the whole, and was looking forward to seeing the show. I didn't realize it was going to be laughtrack garbage. This show is trite lowest-common-denominator schlock, exactly like Last Man Standing. If it had been on twenty or thirty years ago, we might recall it with nostalgia, but in the present

Neither did Cagney.

Scene 1: A former starlet killed a luckless screenwriter living in her home.
Scene 2: Flashback, introduces Joe as a luckless screenwriter.
Scene ~8: Joe meets the former starlet and starts living in her home.
The ending will surprise goldfish, stoners, and people playing with their phones instead of watching the

Is it really a spoiler if it's shown in the very first scene?

Don't undress
In my house
My house is
A terrible camera
A camera
With fangs and shit!

This one's a favorite of mine both for the historical feel of it and also for having some of Cagney's best slapstick and some terrifically clever dialogue. It also has one of the most heart-wrenching depictions ever of unrequited love. Ultimately, that's what drives him to do the right (but stupid) thing in the end.

"White Heat" is a much purer gangster flick.

Pumpkin Spice Begins

I heard this season they're going to get really serious and that main characters are going to DIE! As in, killed off for real!

I thought it was The Marchin' and it was about what happened to Matt Damon this one time at band camp…

So what happened between you and this Renwick customer…? You and he were buddies, weren't you?

…and the blackjack.

Alright, but it will only work if you remove your tongue from your cheek and become 100% convinced you're creating a masterpiece. Maybe you should arrange for yourself to get hit on the head. The more you slide into megalomania, the better.

Thanks, Alex. I think I'll just turn the screen away and listen to this one.

I haven't seen the episode yet but I'm a big ol' arachnophobe and the word "spider woman" in a show like Gravity Falls is a big ol' red flag for "this episode is going to have this seemingly normal person with strangely themed attire unleash hell on the protagonists in the form of said theme".

I want a second opinion!

What's wrong with me?

Take your pick: Jan Quadrant Vincent 16, or Ball Fondlers?

It can't be a good feeling to know that. I feel your pain and nerd shame, Pizzamouse.

That sex was fantastic! Terrific, even! Yet now I must abscond… time for me to exit, stage right!