
First of all, don't apply science to Star Wars. This is a space opera, not science fiction.
Second, if you do, at least try to reach the RIGHT conclusions and map out everywhere their paths diverged.
From Lava Planet,* one twin was taken to Tatooine, the other to Alderaan. Presumably, Leia spent a lot of time

The best part was the lightsaber fights, which were on par with the originals.

It depends. Did you think "Batman & Robin" was worth watching, just to see what the all negativity was about? Super Mario Bros. is about on that level, but more amateurish and bizarre.

Nice job winning the tennis tournament, Luigi… now go home and get your fucking shinebox!

"Well, tell your disappointment to suck it, we're doing a bottle episode!"

(Jump cut to scene, already in progress. Beth and Jerry have diodes on their foreheads connected to a computer. Imagined-Beth and Imagined-Jerry are visible in their containment cell across the hall)

Real Beth and Jerry should have been hooked up to a neural interface computer that attempts to solve their relationship problems. Like the episodes of Star Trek where Kirk talks a computer to death, the device meant to repair their marriage is overstressed by the impossibility of solving Beth and Jerry's

The Invader Zim reboot idea is brilliant (although Vasquez had his own plan for continuing the show, blowing up Earth and having Dib and Gaz chase Zim all across the universe)

One of my favorite gags was how, every time a character started yelling angrily at someone, she'd join in.

If it had been more of an "opposites attract" situation, like Andy/Erin, I might agree with you… but there's never been another TV couple with such great chemistry as Jim and Pam. They were perfect for each other: kindred spirits eking out their own happiness among the ennui of a borderline meaningless existence.

and that's when things got kicked into twelfth gear… the Mexican Armada showed up, with weapons made from tomatoes

I'd watch it, for 11 minutes a pop.

4. Their spaceship cost exactly as much as I spent on my big, fake boobies!

Well, this is going to make the "Marmaduke Explained" blog seem just mean-spirited.

Optimistic teenage-me would have loved to see the nerd get the girl. Cynical adult-me would be rolling my eyes because it just doesn't happen… not in high school, at least. Life isn't an Apatow flick.

To be fair, most of Tanpenis Island burned down in Sting's housefire.

How about Khan Noonien Singh? Yes, he was played by a Latino, but the character is probably some kind of south Asian.
(Or does being a genetically engineered ubermensch outweigh his traditionally defined ethnicity?)

The greatest part of the bisexual future was, when Karen was expressing her jealousy of Tina for sleeping with Michael, she revealed that she was also jealous of Michael for sleeping with Tina. Stewart's sister, best friend, and crush had all sexed eachother at some point without him knowing, and Stewart's the only

Community did great on Yahoo screen, it just would have been wrong to have a seventh season (especially if they lost another star). It was Community's best series finale yet, and one that perfectly sets up a future movie.

Zapp Brannigan also wore a skirt/tunic thing on Futurama, which was hilarious for the subtext of him being a Captain Kirk expy, except more chauvinist, wearing the ridiculous female uniform from TOS.