
I'm reminded of the stomach-churning Rifftrax short "This Is Hormel."
It's hilarious.

The animation style is like "Peanuts," but much sunnier.

Welcome to America, where the bad guys often win.

Just 12 years ago, PBS briefly depicted a lesbian couple on a Vermont episode of "Postcards from Buster" (a spinoff of "Arthur"). No kissing, no holding hands, just a joke about "that's a lot of moms!"
The episode was banned from most stations after the Secretary of Education, Margaret Spellings, denounced the

Fake news! Snowflake! Benghazi!

The Tea Party was mad about perceptions and myths.
The Indivisibles are mad about real stories and real people.

Well, they did deserve a break. It's hard work pretending Trump's a good president.


By improving over the course of a century?

You mean "Blamey?"

If it had come six months later, it might have. On the ground, we were always looking for more infectious positive energy. Instead any impact the episode might have had got washed out by the surprisingly contentious primaries.

I hope that four of these movies isn't just the CHIP of the iceberg.

We all knew Sarah Lynn was headed down Amy Winehouse's path. It's bleakly brilliant that the character destined to overdose was given the catchphrase "that's too much, man."

Good comparison, but it was Jake, not Elwood, who Carrie Fisher's character was trying to kill.


Oh, sure. By all means. Sorry it took so long to get back to you.

Jerry Lewis didn't want us seeing it until 2024? Then I'm not watching it until 2024.
Creators' wishes should be respected in this aspect. Too often, they're disregarded.

There's nostalgia for the dress? But those times were horribly stupid and frustrating, and they dragged on forever. Dark times, indeed.

Any moment it seemed like Deirdre was going to start hunting Jacqueline while ranting about "the most dangerous game"

Oh, c'mon now. That was proper subject-verb agreement and you know it.