
The girl offending herself out of existence seemed a little like revenge fantasy.

It's a bit different. Americans used to say "fortnight," but we don't anymore unless trying to be humorously old-fashioned. We've never used "abattoir." It didn't cross the Channel until long after we'd left.

Google says that Abattoir is French for "slaughterhouse."
…Of course it is.

No mention of The Happening?
No mention of Birdemic?

I only saw a couple clips on youtube, just now out of some sort of morbid curiosity incurred by this article, but I feel like my life is irreversibly worse off for what I have seen. Colors will be dimmer, food will be blander…

Prerequisite viewing material for this season:
1. Chinatown
2. Sunset Boulevard
3. The Usual Suspects

I'm Rob Lowe, and I have DirectTV.
I'm Bernie-disliking sex maniac Rob Lowe and I have cable.

Some of them are pretty funny… eh, I'll click follow and hope they make more.
The article's funny too, just because the author gets so excited about it you'd think this twitter account was Bernie Sanders.

Aaron Paul for Anakin Skywalker.

I agree that "Time's Orphan" could have been much better, if it had recognized the potential for a "Time's Arrow" callback (you'd think by its title it would have) and examined the same themes. Sisko could have called the O'Briens into his ready room or office upon hearing they were going to keep "this Molly" instead

You're right. I hate when other people do that and I'm a hypocrite for it. I'm sorry.

Uncomfortable Christian stuff, insects, My Little Pony stuff, creepy furry stuff, random people, softcore porn, diseased hands in nightvision, a children's drawing of a spoon family, Benicio Del Toro stuff… seems about as much a microcosm of the internet as you can get.

"Pierce! You've had three flu shots. Those were for the day-care center!"

Some TV versions use "melon farmer" or "my friend"

(Richard Burton voice)
Don't talk about your imaginary daughter, Ricky.

I guess, with Abbi and Ilana now effectively banned for life from Whole Foods, Bingo Bronson won't be able to acquire manuka honey ever again.

What's next, a commercial advertising special dental care for meth-heads?

"Lick-lick-lick my balls! Haha, yeah! I say it all the time!"

In order to solve this crisis, I must become Superman IV: the Quest for Peace