Truth Hurts

Big props to Ruth (and the writers) for ad-libbing the Russia schtick to Patio Town's convenience / comforts, much to the approval of Patrick the asshole. i could watch an entire hour of Alison Brie's Ruth riffing on different characters. Her laid-back delivery of Russian lines has a modern Putin-esque everything

It was very sweet that Grandma packed some meals for Arthie's move from home to the motel. My Grandma and I shared some precious Sunday mornings watching NWA. She fucking haaaaated the Four Horseman, and screamed at the screen any time Ole & Arn Anderson would double-team some face while Rick Flair got the ref's

Casting brown people indiscriminately (weird use of base word, I know) as other brown people stereotypes is a time-honored pro wrestling tradition. As far as Arthie's studying, I just figured she's one of the only women in the troupe w/ her shit together.

I'd kinda wished the island was littered w plant-covered skeletons from the flashbacks, many w arrows still jutting out. A great visual for the theme of this season.

I truly home smugface is genetic in the Chase family.

That smugness is so different from a rich villain or a well-armied
Villain. I think it's like a sociopath's (for lack of a real psychological term) smugness at seeing the world without filter. I'd say his brand of crazy rivals Joker's in some aspects.

Merlyn's line about his 3 airplanes.

Next season Team Flash will be joined by HR Giger Wells, noted artist from a reality in which Swedish perverts won World War LXIX.

Please plug Stephen Ammell's American Ninja celeb run in S05E22's writeup. Dude's For Real.

I'm down for Adrian Chase in the Savatar suit fighting The Legends for at least 1 episode.

"If Cisco saves my life, tell him I'll … put in a good word with my Sister."

Team Flash should have worked it out to store Iris in the ARGUS Vault until the Iris Death Window passed. I felt like they were dancing around that answer when discussing how impregnable the ARGUS Vault is.

Let's all give a quick clap for Stephen Amell's physical injury acting. A great deal of his lunging, bruised gait is visible from his pro wrestling fandom, but there's also a good hint of experienced soldier or even injury-prone athlete in there: shuffling along / sardonically shrugging off the pain / the occassional

Ah shit! So creepy!

Hat Tip to Bakshi hitting on his coworker w/ the creepy furniture shopping line. Totally nailed the Bill O'Reilly vibe throughout.

Double Shit!


Adrian Chase's fresh bullet wound re-opening / blood blooming down his shirt as he strangled that Marshall was super fucking cool. Beast.

Score this week: 0 Dead Russians, 0 Dead Adrian Chase, 2 Dead US Marshalls.

Just as powerful as Oliver telling Barry about how his dad murderer/suicide'd to preserve Oliver's life. "You're a not god, Barry." (spoiler alert: according to the last episode's close, Barry still is a person who thinks he's a god even after owning up to his Flashpoint BS in The Dominators Crossover).