Truth Hurts

This show should be retitled Nerd Christmas. So damn good!

I really liked Thawne's amusement at his choices for reality. Even the President stuff was a huge FU to the previous realities that'd wronged him.

"FOCUS!!!" Caity Lotz herds superpowered cats. I truly love that a rhythm of this show's season is how Sara continually has to derail bickering / joke tangents to focus the team on the mission of the week.

90 Day Token: Flash logo
6 Month Token: Mercury's War of the America's Hat
1 Yeah Token: Ted Kord's
Brains on a Platter

KGBeast read as I Will Break You creams sooooo many fanboy jeans.

Fuuuuck. Can we just PLEEEEASE have Roy come back for a proper amputee / cyborg weapon arm arc as a goddamned Season 3 Legend? What the hell is Colton H doing nowadays? Not robbing a futuretech weapons vault of a goddamned rifle arm, that's what. He'd be Perfect for pre-exposition dump team meeting bullshit sessions


Literally sizzling. Yeesh.

So it's like people who've seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail that won't stop quoting it, and everyone else.

So it's like people who've seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail that won't stop quoting it, and everyone else.

And the glowing Spear! Sting!

Is Firestorm's uniform new? It looked cool, and his transmutation of that laserproof obelisk into delicious jelly beans, and Rip's Spear fragment snatch while being stoked on the mission were Peak LoT. And Mick's Spear of Destiny Ass (?) Scratcher - and Sara immediately dropping it - and Dr Stein's use of "horrific"

Speaking of sad: J'onn's devastating cover of Far from the Home that I Love (Fiddler on the Roof). Even if it was David singing as himself in a future episode, I'd love a quiet moment on Supergirl where he sings a capela to himself while thinking about his wife and daughters. (Maybe a recreation of Justice League's

I like that this series, and a bit Man of Steel, painted Kryptonians as the classical advanced / benevolent race, but beneath the veneer is a species that destroyed its own planet, and were quite self-righteous about it. The secret, criminally underused weapon of this series is using Kara's life up to young teen on

It'd be crazy if Cortazar went to Hannibal Lecter's Mind Palace and murdered everybody at OPA Local 52 but Dawes, then took him to Ganymede.

Ah, good call. If it helps, catfish face alien got nabbed at the same time as Lyra seemed like a non-lowlife … ? (probably not)


Bump for 2017, obvs.

Hopefully Pam Poovey. Then Lobo can show up and they can go watch space dolphins after Tazer knuckle fighting, aka foreplay.