Truth Hurts

So if Kara's hair got caught up in those train wheels, would it have just jackknifed on itself? Didn't the Chris Reeve movies have some scene about his Kryptonian hair's tensile strength?

Ah, good call!

Sara & Cisco. HR & Felicity's Mom. Wally & Roy. Thea & Mick.

Fuuuck. That means after LMD's we should get John Hannah as a Rogue or dream Flash villain from another hero's rogues gallery. But as whom? Oooooh - maybe Green Lantern nemesis Larfleeze the gold-hoarding Yellow Lantern to bring Jon Stewart or Kyle Rainer to Legends … ?

Oh, so the second episode. Looking back on those BnS early cgi arenas, Jeez. Although they did have the advantage of cutting to drunken / half naked / sometimes fucking crowd shots. CW budget, man. What I wouldn't give to see the Gorilla City Vomitorium…

Jar Garrick should drop by to give Barry a forestry lesson on the Multiverse Common Redwood.


Oliver totally explod-o-murdered those helicopter henchmen, then immediately laid down the topping of his Don't Kill sandwich to Canary v3.0.

I especially liked how Letscher started visibly, and audibly, losing his shit at the impending threat of Black Racer. Cool as a cucumber, til you get to his core.

Cutting Merlyn's final slug of scotch - right as he was throwing it back all lusty-Barrowman-style - straight to LoD's logos was the perfect punctuation to Darhk's awesome villain sees himself as the hero intro. So many YES! moments in this episode!

God Dammit. Now I want the stinger to be John Barrowman’s Merlyn performing a cover of Sinatra's "Under My Skin," dancing all around Frank’s Star as Reverse Flash superspeed manipulates an entire crowd of Hollywood tourists to dance a glorious kaleidoscope Berkeley Busby homage. All whilst Darkh sulks by a panhandler

Sitting in a holding cell for a couple weeks whilst you wait to be sold as either farm equipment, a sex slave, or some horrible combination of both probably knocks the twinkle off that New Planet smell just a little.

Paris City and Madly Monothiestic were both equally great bits delivered by all 3 actors. I liked that the slaver alien just went with Paris City because he didn't know earth either. And Mon E's hilarious One God is a perfect way for advanced aliens to view us humans. Mon El knocks homeruns for jokes.

Also tons of casual misogyny & racist stereotypes. Fitting with DCEU, Carol Ferris will be referred to as "bitch" by Ferris Aircraft employees, and John Stewart will shout "WorldStar!!!" when he sucker-punches Sinestro.

Diggle's David Ramsey. God Dammit.

Gary Busey as Parallax once Hal Jordan goes apeshit over some Superman Coast City collateral damage. No special effects needed. Just replace generic Hal actor with Busey.

Tripp notices / picks at a belly button sore. It pops, and thousands of Creech larvae ooze out of the festering wound, white pus mixing with Creech's oil-based excretions. Larvae spread out from Tripp's corpse and ride Creech's truck to the local professional football arena to hermit crab up in the Monster Jam

Don't worry honey. I found a show that suits your tastes right here.

As a Filipino-American raised in south Georgia (tobacco town of 10k), I certainly understand. My California friends still give me a side-eye when my southern accent pops out during phone calls with Mom.

I reallllllly like that Radcliffe's the end bad guy. Having said that, I'd hoped that, considering all the magic-y shenanigans of S4, Aida would have totally been transformed into a TechnoMancer via the Darkhold. Her building a portal to another dimension was so cool. I hope Radcliffe uses more of Aida2 as a vessel