Truth Hurts

Eh, I'm a dedicated daily cyclist, and watched w/ my cyclist buddies (road / mountain / cyclocross / track / couriers) and it was a fucking blast. Reminded us of both classic cycling docs Slaying the Badger and A Sunday in Hell, so I think Lonely Island got enough of it right. Plus I they fucked w/ cyclists as well,

There's a freeze-frame of during the mass brawl that's totally fucking hilarious and awesome because John Cena, 25x WWE Champion & man aware of the Internet, was good enough a sport to make it happen.

The trailer makes it look like it's The Red Violin, but with a Dude in a BedSheet?

How do people go from "oh shit, that lady's lower face got ripped off" to "let's draw lots for certain death on the MAYBE that an emergency radio will work when our cell phones / the power grid don't" in the span of, like 2 hours?

Oh, and SomeThing grabbed the goddamned drone. Thanks for leaving that particular moment open-eneded, even as lottery loser & horrible soldier went in there.

A buddy of mine hit an 800lb hog w/ his pickup truck in the middle of the night, and it ripped his chassis apart.

A goddamned Deer would fuck a car up. A moose would have totalled it. The wreck, even if from inside the car should have been way more traumatic.

People are super fucking quick to murder on this show. The deputy last episode was just trying to get help! And they drew a fucking lottery of what clearly was certain doom if you count the armless corpse and the Anna dude to get a radio that Maybe would work. And the Mom? What the hell? That scene escelated super

It looked like AB did all her own stunts during the montage too! Respect! Even as a 200lb guy myself, I'm not sure I'd be comfortable so soon even with an experienced, yoked out wrestler my weight 2nd rope splashing me onto a mattress.

I think the televised taping finishes Machu Picchu's costume. Not far off the cultural appropriation mark:

A possible heart attack from the object of your wrath'll do that to a person.

Big fan of Ruth's in-character door kick for Zoya's entrance. And her strut.

Please review Chuck Russell's fantastic 1988 remake.

I saw it more as Tamme just going all in on her part. Debbie's supposedly a consummate professional, so Tamme brough her A game, expecting an A game in return. Imagine if Debbie'd been totally invested in her Liberty Belle riffing back w/ Welfare Queen's ridiculous satire. DON'T LET THE BLONDE HAIR SEDUCE YOUR

I took Ruth's blonde line as a total understanding of 1980's pro wrestling (and mostly pop culture) heroics from the fan perspective. And a slight jab. But mostly deconstruction.

Sam knows Debbie could do better too.

The show does a good job of making you initially Want to hate half the characters, but root for them after you get to know them better. Television !!!

*** SPOILERS ***
Season finale features a direct callback to Arthie watching the Lebanon Hostage crisis in growing horror, as the live taping audience gets downright racist and violent in their hatred of Beirut, even injuring Britannica in a misplaced beer can throw. That scene, and the following brief convo w/

I feel it's modern. I haven't watched GLOW's Colonel Ninotchka on youtube yet / don't remember from childhood (although CN's one-armed singlet does appear reproduced in this series' season finale) * edit * Ninotcha def feels more Boris / Natasha, but Brie's delivery of Russian-accent lines has that laid back every

Totally stole both episodes. Nobody sells failure of the American Dream like BG.