
I feel the same way. Diminishing returns every season. I keep watching because I enjoyed the first season so much, but I haven't really enjoyed 2 & 3. I think that because Season 1 was developed for NBC/Broadcast TV the jokes and the storylines were much sharper. Jump to S3 and I feel like the show is meandering a bit

Wow. This show. Best written character development on television (for me). It's incredible to see how how much these characters have grown since Season 1. So happy to have Season 5 on the horizon, only wish the wait was shorter.

Ventriloquist would be an interesting one. Not as familiar with the others (aside from Clayface & Hush)

I wonder if the Supergirl writers are fans of Michael Crichton. This episode really reminded me a lot of his novel "Prey" with all the nanobot stuff. Hopefully they aren't too big of fans, otherwise I worry for Katie McGrath. Oy

For some reason that random split screen during the lobby fight really bothered me. It seemed really out of place.

I laughed at the cookie dough gag…I actually laughed a lot this episode. Good job, the Simpsons!

Was just about to comment that Julius Cain would always just randomly pop into The Good Wife episodes to serve as a plot device. There were seasons where I forgot he was supposed to be working there. Not surprised he serves the same role on the spin off. Consistency lol!

In having a retrospective look at the Netflix Marvel series so far. Is it a fair statement to say the shows are only as good as their villains? (Not trying to disregard the main characters of course)

I will never stop mourning the loss of Happy Endings…Sigh

Gotham became more exciting after dropping its focus on the gangsters of Gotham from Season 1 and switching to tried and true Batman villains.
I'm curious, which other exciting villains from the Batman mythos are there left to introduce on this show?

Krysten Ritter hands down. Plus she's already with Netflix

Agree completely with your points. I think these last two episodes were the strongest because it was exciting to see a new ASOUE story adapted. I couldn't help but compare and contrast the first 6 episodes and the Jim Carrey film. It was refreshing to see the lumber mill brought to life and get a story that hadn't

Can I just say how happy I was that the Mario stuff wasn't dragged out more. I thought for certain they were going to have to dredge up the lake to find his knife. Glad it didn't come to that.

Never a dull moment…at least not since Season 1!

Seriously what was the point of having Isabella look like Ms. Kringle if they weren't going to explore it?

Knowing the writers might be trying to tie up loose storylines, I don't think we ever were told who Lily's father was. Maybe she is the daughter of the Dragon and Maleficent….I like the idea of Mulan better though.

I believe she mentioned to the robbers that what she was doing was for her son and daughter. I am inclined to believe she was talking about Lena & Lex, so I assume she is playing Lena's adoptive mother.

I think he meant that the pillow case would fool the facial recognition software.

Agreed. Love the tone, it reminds me a bit of Batman the animated series…though obviously not as great.

Wow, this season went by WAY too fast. Hopefully they'll announce S5 soon!