
All in all a very entertaining episode, however I am so used to the 100 season finales ending with big cliffhangers that hint to the next season. I kind of wished this one had a bigger, but I guess it's for the best since it'll probably be a year before the show is back on.

Predictions? Will the city of light story line be resolved in the finale, or will it be a continued Season Four's story line?

Excellent Fifth Season, props to the writers for making me interested in these characters again! I hope old fans come back next year.

Thought it was a really solid and consistent episode. Glad that Season 2 seems to be overall a ton more focused than Season 1. Hopeful for a really great Season 3!

Maybe it was to try and make her look more like her parents?

Thought the Underworld arc was so-so…but still wish there would've been more Hercules and (a more snarky) Meg

- RANT -
This show would be so much better (and the writers would be a lot less limited) if they just jumped forward and aged Bruce to a young adult. That way all the villains would stop being either tween/teens or the "parents" of well-known Batman villains.

*wishful thinking - Construction workers tear down load bearing wall at firm…everyone finally finds out where Robyn has been.

Kind of like in Season 1 when they got rid of Det. Montoya and her partner..

Anyone else feel like this episode was written around the random pitch of Jess being stuck in a car wash? Seriously disappointing episode.

I cannot believe they even attempted to leave this episode open for a S4, this season really stripped away any goodwill the show had left with fans. Yikes

Fingers crossed we get a Clue themed episode of the Goldbergs…complete with three alternate endings!

So she "died" on Arrow….Just send her to a Birds of Prey spin-off!

I wouldn't be upset if they tried something else plot-wise for Emery because his stuff is just not working for me.

Semi-Random Thought: Bad Teacher was a disappointing movie.

So is Pawnee in the same universe as Supergirl? Screw the flash, THAT'S a crossover I want to see.

The building fight sequence alone makes it an A episode for me.

Are there any properties in the Disney vault that can reinvigorate OUAT's ratings? Ala Frozen

FACT: Rosario Dawson makes everything better. Please give us more Claire!

Best episode of Betsy Ross of course strictly stuck to her sewing.
Farewell Betsy, we barely knew thee!