
Conservatives shriek "shariah law" anytime a Muslim person so much as opens their mouth in America, but seem to be totally fine with Christianity dictating our nation's laws on things like gay marriage and abortion.

Yeah the store employees freaking out, especially compared to the total nonchalance of their fellow midwesterner customers, was a little weird.

Yeah, Allah is the arabic word for God, so anyone speaking Arabic (Jewish, Christian, Muslim) would use it. It's funny because Judaism obv has their own versions of the word (for non-prayers, usually Hashem) but everyone else pretty much calls him "the Jewish god" or "the Old Testament god."

well, Allah is the same God as the Christian God (and the "Jewish God" - as Glenn put it). So he's still technically praying to the same entity!

unfortunately rape and sexual humiliation is a war tactic that was used by many armies/individuals in wwii. it's sort of naive to think that the russians were the only ones guilty of it…

A lot of high schools assign "free periods" now, where kids can pretty much do whatever they want, but they're usually only for upperclassmen and there's no guarantee you'll get the same ones as your friends. my senior year i had lunch, then two free periods, followed by a class. i couldn't go home, and none of my

I grew up a few blocks from where this cafe is, and I really hope it lasts - from what I remember, that area is a bit of a dead zone for restaurants. You'd see a lot of them come and go within months.

She could literally win the iron throne and people would still be calling her an idiot who was 100% responsible for ned's death

Sansa's certainly not the smartest character, but she's nowhere near the dumbest. I can't help but notice that every decision she makes is being judged a lot harsher than anyone else's - Jon was kind of an idiot in this episode too…

If I'm not wrong, they were at an AMC on the Upper West Side. It's very popular (it has those plush couch-like seats!), especially with families. With so many people and kids running around I guess it's possible they went unnoticed by employees the whole day.

I saw the show yesterday, actually - I thought it was great and Jane was hilarious!

By Russian New Year's Eve tv do you mean the soviet-era movie "The Irony of Fate?" It's kind of a Russian tradition to watch it every single New Year's, or at least keep it on in the background, because there's always at least one channel running it on a constant 24 hour loop.

I mean…in the middle ages they were accusing Jews of banding together and causing the plague by poisoning wells so the whole Jewish conspiracy thing isn't exactly new.

I agree - I cracked up so many times this episode. Definitely deserves higher than a B+.

Well, buildings like synagogues or Jewish community centers usually have a special "shabbat"elevator that stops on every floor. Others ask someone to push the button for them or take the stairs.

its not a major jewish holiday, but is probably trumped up in importance a) to make jewish kids feel better about not celebrating christmas and b) its most well known to non-jews because it falls near a major christian holiday. most of my jewish friends DO celebrate it, but there's actually not even much of a

…this is satire, right? This just shows how women in action movies are literally not human beings and fleshed out characters but objects that are "taken away" from the white male hero to make him all broody and serious. If men are so disposable, then why are they the main characters in literally all of these movies?

While I'm not the type of person to incessantly try to guess the ending of book series, I also don't think guessing the answer is necessarily "spoiling" it, since they don't know they spoiled it until they actually get to the end. Before that, it's just another fun theory to float around.

doesn't that make your point even less valid then, since you have a permanent vendetta against russian people and are obviously biased?

I kind of get what you're saying - I remember a character on an american tv show calling russians "ethnic white people" - I was so confused at the time, because I was like what's an ethnic white person vs. not?