
The fact that you think birth control only costs 9 dollars a month is mind-boggling. I'm pretty sure a bottle of aspirin costs more.

I don't know, in my experience it's the non-Jews who really enjoy sprinkling their speech with yiddish words. and yiddish insults aren't supposed to be very damning or horrifically insulting, just more snarky.

That's the most effed up part about it though - I don't think it was meant to be a rape scene either. I don't think the directors saw it as a rape scene, despite the fact that cersei repeatedly tells jaime to stop, that jaime has to shove her down and force himself on cersei, etc. it's extremely disturbing that

Punny title aside, I'm really glad this was written. When my friend and I watched the scene we exchanged horrified WTF?? looks. I was so angry I could barely pay attention to the rest of the episode. Jaime's redemption arc was one of my favorite plot-lines in this book, and I'm so worried that the fact that he's a