
The Potter films are a feat - but they are also very much product. They were made to capitalize upon the success of the books along with the myriad of accompanying merchandise and licensing. It's hard to say they are "underrated" when so much of the world has seen them and read the sources forming the basis for


Agreed. There was little deep dive here. I generally enjoy the experts review a bit more anyway, but this was unsatisfying, and important points were glossed over.

And really, as mismatched as they seem, they fit because of their particular brands of crazy. They have certainly been the most enjoyable of Mindy's pairings.

He's been recurring here and there every season, but he signed on to do other projects, like some Ben Affleck movie that I don't think went anywhere.

Regardless of who did it, HistoryofMatt is right in the sense that they led the character toward choices that were completely out of character for him just to force the separation. It was one of the least creative parts of the show and really sucked some of the life out of it during these Hulu seasons.

Still there.

Yes if you like Mindy Kaling, romantic comedies with a twist, workplace comedies with a twist, and really uneven jokes/humor that sometimes surprise and sometimes bore. There are times when it feels fresh, and times when it feels tedious. Take that as you will…

I'm not sure where in the timeline we're placing each mark, but, basically, the fuel on the fire of this show is the Mindy/Danny relationship, and they have not been together for a couple of seasons, and the show has suffered for it. The latest season has been a slog-fest. I love Mindy and have stuck with the show

Agreed. Some things, I think, are now being rushed forward to bring about an end, even though some things probably shouldn't be (but for time, money, and logistics, I'm guessing). Then again, I can explain away a couple of these sense gaps in suspension of disbelief by the fact that that everyone seems to

Also, I used "affronted" flippantly. My sarcastic nature does not work as well as internet comments! ;)

So…right. The magic of TV is at work. Then again, how did Euron get his own fleet so fast when Yara made off with the Iron Islands ships? Why didn't they bring the Dorne fleet when they sailed from Essos in the first place? Also, I'm sure Euron commissioned some spies or something after his grand show for Cersei

I guess I don't know either. Robert may have had Targaryen blood, but in the line of succession, if The Mad King had died without Robert's interference, the throne would have gone to Rhaegar. Robert usurped the throne not by birthright but by defeating (with help of his compatriots) Aerys II and Rhaegar…so I guess

Well a) you said "no" Robert was in the line of succession, being contrary to the stealing of the throne comment (i.e. The conquest as I and others later clarified), which sounded like you were opposing the point and not allowing for both. B) I'm calling shenanigans because, to quote a beloved movie, I do not think

Yah, Brienne sees only her oath to Catelyn. She wouldn't have obeyed - and is not a subject of the King of the North anyway.

Wait…line of succession? I'm pretty sure conquest through Robert's Rebellion is what led to Robert's ascendancy, meaning the Baratheons held title to the Iron Throne through usurpation. Cersei married Robert, and her incest children with Jaime were believed to be - or at least named - Robert's and all had the last

truer words hath ne'er been uttered.

Yara stole away with the fleet shortly after Euron killed daddy Greyjoy, and that was the only force he attacked because the Sand Snakes didn't bring the Dornish forces - they were heading back to Sunspear to go get them, I guess. Euron also promised Cersei last episode that he'd bring her a gift, so he was probably

YES! Thank you! Grease 2 is and shall always be, well, really stupid!

That is not cool!