
I don't totally disagree with this as long as the Powers That Be release, for home viewing, The Muppet Show and Muppets Tonight. They don't have to produce anything new, but they should at least do right by what's already out there!

The Muppet Show is funnier now than when I was a kid. It's called tonal balance.

The new network runner sucks. I'm convinced of it.

Whitmire aside, I think Disney is doing nothing good for the Muppets. They're too busy worrying about their Marvels and Star Wars. If they took some time to invest in the property and the spirit in which it was originally made, they might be surprised. Then again, no one can be Jim Henson, Frank Oz, and company.

I think if the execution had been better, appetites would have been whetted. There is a whole generation that would still tune in for the Muppets and tried, but the show did not strike the balance of innocence and subversive humor that Jim Henson and Company brought to previous projects. Personally, I think there

And Gen X…probably salty tears. Or some cynical food. Or tacos. Because tacos?

I don't know if my last reply went through. So, the answer is me. I am.

See…I love peanut butter, but find avocado offensive all ways. Even in guacamole. I know - that probably makes me un-American or whatever. The only way I can tolerate it is if it's mixed up with a bunch of other stuff, like in "ugly" or "cowboy" salsa or in sushi. Sometimes I still pick it out. There really are

I imagine if I liked avocado that would be true…

The point is…who was buying it/listening to it back then. On account of being alive and stuff.

Eh. I'm in this age group and am ok with it. I'd rather be Gen X. But if I'm not, I'd rather be this. I have never eaten avocado toast (nor would I…ewwwww), I saw Return of the Jedi in theaters, I extol the virtues of vinyl records, and I didn't get a cell phone until I was 22. Damn kids. Get off my lawn!

The tie-in possibilities!



Agreed. The show was consistent in its convictions. That kind of consistency made it addicting.

An excellent calculator.

I vote yes. It's a uniquely told story, and the characters are fully flushed out. The story was heading in a specific direction that may not get resolved, but there are beautiful moments.

I wouldn't say it's a bad cliffhanger… there is one character whose fate hangs in the balance, but the story was heading in a very specific, possibly climactic direction, which has now been cut short. So, it depends on what satisfies you.

Yes. This.

I think this is only fair. This cancellation feels lazy on the part of the multi-billion dollar streaming service. It will be interesting to see if there is subscriber backlash (ship jumpers).