
I don't know. I think we saw the culture shock. Maybe it wasn't as much as people needed, but I was reasonably convinced that he was a struggling fish out of water, both in and outside of the village. As to maturity…I'm still finding it hard to grasp this part of the argument, though I understand what you're

Ok fair. But to the 12 year old comment (I don't know anything about Dragon Ball Z….FTR), what I keep reminding people is that he may seem stunted, but in many ways, that's because he still is. Grueling training yes, but how many life lessons did he actually learn from the monks? How socialized were those monks?

Controversial stance: I actually loved this series. Not more than Daredevil but equivalently to Jessica Jones for different reasons (Luke Cage is last for me). I think people who don't like it don't like the character. I found him both relatable and likable but stunted. I think if they ever do Heroes for Hire,

Would it make you feel better if I told you that Wakko was only *slightly* my favorite? It was his faboo accent, man.

He was my favorite. I don't know what that says about me, but…

Eating beans?


Them's fighting words.

I do a passable Pinky impression, and this is always the quote I reach for. I don't know why, but this one stuck.

Agreed. The Hippos were stupid.

This one is one of my favorites, and it doesn't get mentioned often enough.

Dude. I mean, whipper snapper (I mean…the shade. That's what the youth says nowadays, right?). Calm down. Your undying fanboy support of Paul Ryan and your flag-waving (I won't say which flag) is good and obvious. But if you're going to troll, troll responsibly and be prepared for the backlash.

No shit. Make like Elsa and let it go already.

There're also several stages to the grieving process. Acceptance is the last one, and everyone's going to go through that process differently. Denial is one of the first. Also, it's not unreasonable to want a toxicology report in this instance.

Concur on the Julie opinion. Least favorite character by far.

They changed it for season 3. I think the change in credits was the harbinger of doom.

Boo. Hiss.

You shut your gob! It is a Christmas classic, I tell you! Catchy and…. oh um sorry. Reflex.


What's worse is he tweets from two accounts now - his own and the @POTUS handle. So, he gets to be mad doubly and say twice as many "sads" and "biglies" while a chorus of his most ardent supporters egg him on (and unafraid lefties try hurling insults at him). I think he needs to invest in some psychiatric care….he's