
Um, I would take generally competent (let's not confuse hawkish for some sort of sexist sideswipe) liberal anything over the hot fucking mess we've got right now.

I've grown increasingly more frustrated with Once since, roughly, the Frozen era, and I blame it on the show runners, who are basically repeating their Lost-ian learning: they know how to create some great setups but are otherwise lousy at driving it all home, leaving the audience with truly anticlimactic and deeply

To be fair, that was Fox. Maybe they were (mistakenly, in all the wrong ways) trying to atone for that whole Firefly thing…? I'm not saying it has to make sense!

The writers have made a lot of missteps along the way…

Agreed. They almost lost me at Frozen, but season 5 felt like a much larger clusterfuck from which the show has never been able to recover fully. The first half of this season was frighteningly bad, as opposed to merely guilty pleasure with Disney support and illogical ratings numbers. I don't think Jennifer

I've watched this show. I can see it drawing out visceral reactions, both positive and negative. Is it great? No. I didn't feel it was great when I finished it. But it's not bad. Maybe you don't agree with the conceit that one of the "now" students is into vintage cassettes and 80s emo bands like Joy Division

I'm still working through the disbelief that anyone of any generation is still watching MTV or even that it's still called "M"TV. It should really just be called TV. Or leave the "M" silent. Which would be true to life.

I'm a Gen Xer too, and for the record, record stores are making a comeback partially because Millennials are discovering the tactile joys of record shopping. Also, buying vinyl is a nicer, more tangible representation than cheap, easily disposed of, easily erased digital files.

IDK, red lifesavers are pretty good, and they have a whole pack of those.

But I want cherry! Or as I call them, "red."

That's not a hard and fast rule…more of a guideline, really…

This is such an intelligent, thoughtful, well performed, well written show. I really love it and will miss it; I've watched it from the beginning. It's one of those gems that just not enough people found; at least the network stuck with it a while. I wish it had a sixth or seventh season (or a full fifth one), but

I think the difference is that Joffrey is a psychopath and Ramsey is a sociopath. The latter knows what he's doing; the former may not have. I think they're equally evil but for different reasons.

Help! Help!

Forever was a good show! ABC made a mistake there.

Ecstatic, since I enjoy most of them and have only heard great things about the ones I don't watch (yet).

booo. not a shit movie. not Spielberg's best, but comparatively better than a great many.

Kinda' the point. Meet Once Upon a Time. I love it…but yes.

Also Clue! He was Mr. Green in Clue. Of course, that probably ages me, and Milennials have no "clue" about what I'm talking about.

oh and Clyde Bruckman is just an ethereal hour of TV.