
No I really didn't. I didn't imply that. I didn't say that. You're accusing me of behavior you're engaging in yourself. I said "I would hope not" meaning I understood that you weren't. I've answered all of your arguments. If you choose not to read them and instead to bash people who are trying to be

I'm not making any claims beyond the initial claim. Talk about projection - I'm imputing nothing and am only responding to your responses. And I for damn sure hope you're not calling me a misogynist - what kind of next level shit is that? I didn't say or imply that either. Talk to me when your walls are down. I

I see. There are times and places for "great force." I'm not sure that I agree that this should be one of them. And that's okay. I'm allowed to not agree, see.

OK, but what was one of my previous comments? I am not a "dudebro." I am neither a dude nor a bro. I am a woman (who, by the way, has worked in civil rights my entire professional career). I understand your point all too well, but you leaped on my comment - about the fact that the article, based one on side of the

And you don't think it's churlish to make assumptions about people to which you're responding in this thread? As you have throughout this conversation. Further down, for example, you upvoted a comment I made about privilege. I am very aware that Joss benefits from privilege, and maybe he is the scumbag she has

1) You can give her the benefit, but then why he does so easily shed the benefit? Simply based on "there's really no way to know all the facts?" In other words, "I'm never going to know the full truth, so I've picked a side and will automatically condemn people for not automatically choosing the side I've picked."

I'm going to have to have to say, partially, that yes, your perspective is driven by the fact that you're from a younger generation. Of course Buffy doesn't seem that progressive to a Millennial (or Gen Z…seems you're on the line), who gets to see and measure progress (or lack of) through a hindsight lens.

Additional comment: I am a woman, which I feel I need to qualify with you particularly, as I check back into this comment thread this morning.

Just to clarify - nothing in my comment was designed to infer that she was lying either. She could be telling the absolute truth. The larger point is that there is one side and then a whole reaction based on the one side. I'm an investigator by trade, so for me, I need to know all the facts. It also doesn't

I just wrote a comment to that effect!

The problem I have with this article is that it automatically assumes everything proffered by Kai Cole to be absolute truth - but we don't know anything for certain. It's her side of the story, and maybe it seems credible (insofar as it is written by someone who is hurt and reeling), but until all of the facts are on


This is the common argument from one side, but that's really because threatened male privilege (and you can take "privilege" to mean anything you want) has really served to pervert the definition and original spirit of feminism. Now, there are some who are extreme in all camps, but really, it's about equal rights,

The only reason it IS held as a paragon is because of the landscape in which it was created. Paragon and perspective are linked concepts.

I wholeheartedly agree with this comment! I would consider myself a feminist in many ways; at the time of Buffy, for example, the themes were pioneering and progressive, and there were few strong female characters like Buffy (or Willow or Cordy or Fred). Whedon was also a younger man, not jaded by life, when he

Or hire you!

Applebees should hire me in their marketing department ;).

But…do I have to? I was really only trying to make the "it's not shit" argument. I wasn't trying for more…

But even in the sea of chain restaurants, it's not the worst. Chili's is far worse. I've never eaten at Chili's without getting sick. Logan's Roadhouse and really any conventional chain steakhouse. Worst. Some of the Tex Mex chains. Gross.

Guys…I'm not a Millennial.