
It was a fabulous rendition of the song, better suited for another show!!

And what appeared to be Cole and wife watching quietly from the dance floor. Iwould have been pissed if that went down at my wedding. I thought for a minute I had flipped the channel to a Twin Peaks-wannabe show.

That House of the Rising Sun performance was so cheesy and stupid.

For me, Peggy was partially representative of the self-help/actualization movement that was very popular when I was a kid (70s/80s).

I just don't think he's funny. He's clever, but not funny.

As I recall, she's always been very expressive with her lips. But, maybe she altered her acting technique in ER.


She's always done it. I remember her doing it on News Radio.

Hmm. good point.

These are her same lips from the old News Radio days.

Then again, it could just be bad writing.

I honestly don't think the writers have any grand scheme, and that they are making this up as they go along.

Isn't that pretty much Rappaport's only character? I can't remember him acting any other way.

Sean is an addict and is currently popping pills. You still Ok with Fiona taking up with him?

Wut iz wrong wit u? The Cash/John vintage episode was great.

That's exactly what it is: a lazy shortcut that doesn't usually work.

The look shared between Jay and the dog when he decided to give the dog's necklace to Sonia.

Isn't she married to that HGTV carpenter hunk? Jean Smart was on Designing Women.

I think Fiona's impulsive marriage to a week-long F buddy was another indicator that she is struggling with chaos. She hesitated to share the news with Debbie because, like last week, she is concerned about the examples she is and has set for her over the years, yet still is unable to stop her own wild behavior.

I did too, but then I thought… wait, when did she give birth to the princess?