
"You have a family of spiders in your hair"

IMO, Moynihan almost always brings it.

He looks like a chipmunk in a suit jacket

Then again I suppose it's possible I was a rape victim held in thrall by his abuser for years.

Aw, I didn't know that!

I forgive a lot of plot failures but I'm having a tough time with Vee's ignorance of breast pumps. Did I miss something ie dialogue about using them/stealing a pump or whatever?

Morgan's not annoying. Beverly is annoying.

"I have a feeling Gal won’t (or won’t want to) end up with the icier version of Queen Madalena if he ever does reach the castle"
—> This is surprising to you? I thought it was obvious.

No, I suspected that as well.

I didn't really see Rebecca Howe in this episode. I saw Kirstie the Fat Actress and Kirstie the reality show star. Also, as much as I dislike Patricia Heaton, she is really good at the roles she gets. I thought this episode was really lame, but that's because I could never forget that I was watching Kirstie Alley

Omundson is everything.

Amy Adams has always been incredible.

At this point, I can't stand any of the adult characters on this show, including Helen (who is pathetic). Marvin's side eye speaks volumes.

It's probably all of these reasons.

The cocaine thing seems crazy, but lots of coastal towns have huge underground drug economies. I grew up in a coastal town, and the fishing/lobster boats pull double duty for sure.

Ooh, that's a good guess. I was thinking Cole was the father.

Also, random predictions:

"What I’m still struggling with is if I think it is an equally good series, or if the initial magic is gone."