
I'd say people are watching them for the same reason people watch Law and Order/NCIS/The Big Bang Theory.
Not everyone wants a prestige drama or comedy all the time, sometimes you just want to sit down and watch something light and fluffy.

Why are all the big movies in Feb. opening the same fucking weekend

He will be the serial killer trying to foil himself

This show is based on Dr. Phil, burn it to the fucking ground

All I know about Cross's standup is they gave away tickets for it at JFL this year

If there is one things two kids from Vancouver know it's "country"

I meant in the movie

This might be a weird question, but are all these women single?

Greg blow it and is an idiot

I'd rather see this concert then anyone at Coachella but I guess I"m an old man

That's as weird as you can hope it would be

This article does have one issue, TV executives love to show golf on TV because it's the one sport where something is always happening due to the pure number of people playing. Plus, demographics say the people watching are rich which is why you get ads for luxury cars and Rolex during golf.

It would be an interesting idea of Miles Davis was just having drug fueled hallucinations of everything and it all is was causes him to get clean and go back to work.

Barry should have stayed and dated Kara, Barry+Kara forever

Anthony Mackie is 37, that's unexpected

Anthony Mackie seems a little young to play MLK

I hope it has a passage that says "The Church however did not want Kevin James nor Adam Sandler to join"

Also Oliva's speech to Fitz may be the worst moment to ever happen on this show. She dumped him and walked out for reasons (couldn't wait the 11 months till he left office?) and expects him to do nothing. Fuck you Oliva

No show I use to love has made me hate it more the Scandal has, even Dexter.

He doesn't have red hair, wrong