
No Raymond Holt for Brooklyn 99

Spotlight is my person pick for best picture (because Fury Road won't win) but I feel it kind of lost steam due to the whole fact that people just don't seem to be ready to deal with the subject matter. The whole world changed due to the sexual abuse scandals but we still don't deal with it beyond the fact that no

Jake and Oliva's dad need to leave this show. The fucking love triangle needs to end. Also fuck Olivia for not being willing to hold out for a year to be with the love of her life.

This is the best show on TV in years, nothing has dealt with the crushing pain of mental illness like it

Why is this an action movie?

This whole comment section is full of really confused Canadians and it's amazing. I, like most Canadians have seen the 1984 version but never heard of this. I'm sure they talked about it all the time on the crappy talk shows Quebec makes

The Big Short is the worst of the Oscar noms I've seen. Maybe the worst part of the whole movie which it doesn't get too is the "heroes" as it where are also rich fucking jerks who like the rest of the assholes involved in the housing crash should have gone to prison.

I"m really getting tired of this fucking show not getting to it's end game. Liv bitching about how hard it is to live in the white house with the President. WTF did she think was going to happen?

It's more of a forbidden love at this point

Beast of No Nations should win because I wish people would acknowledge no matter how good it is (and it's great) it wasn't getting an Oscar because it was made by Netflix

I ship Clarke from the 100 and Murder. She can fuck whoever she wants but she clearly loves to watch the world burn the most till she sits on her mountain of skulls in the final shot.

My wife watches this show and from what I've seen it's an insane trainwreak, not as much as Married by Mom and Dad, but close

Not enough Alan Moore shutouts and I'm sure he will emerge from his cave to attack the show for not giving him a story by credit. The honestly should have Black Mercied Astra rather then kill her for the easy walk back.

I burst out laughing at the Walk Among the Tomestones trailer.

This would be a more heartwarming movie is he wasn't super rich and lived in a castle.

Wow are there some direr fucking movies coming out shortly

This is what I want a biopic to looklike, Sorry Straight out of Compton

I"m glad Carter died, he sucked

Does the CW even have room for this many shows?

No show makes me more angry at the people on it. Why do they always buy the wrong fucking house.