
My Bikini Kill station on Pandora is one of my favorites

I had the same thought, but I figure I'll watch the whole thing again sooner or late.

"Chocolate is better than vanilla so FUCK vanilla."

It's never explained. I think we're supposed to wonder if Kevin ever really died or if that was another shared delusion that even we believed. But unlike everything else in the show (aside from the departure), Kevin dying seems pretty well documented and hard to deny.

To those who automatically assume Nora was lying, think about Kevin's response. Why would Nora be there if she hadn't found a resolution? She was careening towards death, obsessing over it, seeking it out, and Kevin knows she wouldn't have just given that up. If her story wasn't true, she wouldn't be there, she would

I love that so many people made the same stepmon/Jamaica connection, but shouldn't we also be concerned about what the hell is going on in Minnesota?

Saving that one for my next Mother's Day card!

I don't understand the political perspective of this comment!

Wow, kind of cruel they used to refer to the mentally challenged as dickfuck asshats.

Can we also tell those minimum wage Wal-Mart workers that if they'd voted for Democrats they'd be making $15/hour with health insurance and paid family leave?

If there's one thing we can all agree on about the Israel/Palestine conflict it's fucking nothing.

You try getting 200 takes of Jon Snow looking melancholy in just one winter!

Trump is SO much like Joffrey. Happy now?

Don't get it, laughed anyway.

The Wire is dense enough that there's a ton to see in a 2nd and 3rd viewing and I highly recommend it if you have 50 hours to spare. The Sopranos, for all of it's renown, still has a lot of filler and go-nowhere storylines without a ton of depth.

LOST in a landslide. Too much filler in the pre-prestige era. Who has time to relive the unnecessary saga of Nikki and Paulo?

That's a hell of a demographic.

Good! News, sports, talk and game shows are what give television a bad name.

If the rest of America saw half the shit I've seen they'd suffer a collective brain aneurysm. I guess you don't get exposed to this kind of stuff if you spend your free time watching Two and a Half Men reruns instead exploring the wonderful worlds of comedy, music, art and porn.

Yes, but on purpose.