
We better think about it, baby.

Literally no one you are responding to has suggested, hinted, insinuated or tried to communicate telepathically that Uber should "get to escape critique". If someone states a fact it does not mean they are denying your facts.

It wasn't regulated until the government stepped in to regulate it. Maybe some of this blame falls on governments at various levels for their poor handling of the emergence of a new industry.

So you prefer the old monopoly?

I think he was trying to offer some perspective. Many large corporations have the blood of hundreds or thousands on their hands. Uber does not.

Anyone with a passing familiarity with capitalism knows that it's not unusual for a business to take losses, sometimes for years, before becoming profitable.

If he's trying to get himself blocked he is doing a VERY good job. Legit 99th percentile.

Throw in a rat king and I'm there.

"It was great for many years, now it is slightly less great so let's kill it"

This comment thread is the first evidence I have seen that anyone, anywhere doesn't think Veep is a hilarious masterpiece.

Movies are so short, you barely have time to identify a character's sexual orientation unless it's one of the leads. Just saying some side character is gay is like saying they know karate - it usually has very little bearing on anything that happens for those 110 minutes. It sounds like some writers/studios are making

"a bit of bragging about the way its services have freed humanity from the tyranny of the network TV schedule"

Nature: It doesn't give a fuck, and it'll prove it.

The fucked up part is, the reality is far worse than any conspiracy theory. Carbon emissions are burning the planet alive, our food comes from torture-factories we ironically call farms and at least two leaders of nuclear weapons states appear to be mentally ill. But oh, let's ignore all that and talk about the moon

I basically gave up watching baseball for cutting the cord. I pay about $70/month for internet and all media subscriptions, versus bills ranging from $90 - $150/mo from my cable+internet days. Comcast can go fuck itself right off to death (well, except for the internet part).

Does the Pope shit in the… BANNED

So has Matt now decided that Kevin can resurrect even outside of Miracle? Or does Matt just expect Kevin to die and stay dead?

I think you're missing the lead here… Saudi Arabia has a Global Center For Combatting Extremist Ideology. That's like if Donald Trump had a Center For Treating Women With Respect and Speaking Coherently.

Who won if we exclude Arizona, Maine and Nebraska, but throw in Cuba and Quebec? It seems like an equally relevant scenario.

That's pretty arbitrary, throwing out the most populous state to make a hypothetical point. In the actual country that voted for the president, Trump won 3 million fewer votes.