
"Steps", says Gilly when she corrects Sam at the end of his tirade. She seems to have a very good memory. Hopefully the topic of R+G comes up while she is nearby.

The guy who names battles had the day off.

It's the Loot Train Battle.


Naw, he was being weird before that (his speech to Ed at the wall), but it was so brief it didn't really register.

But in Drogon's defense, he really did improve his slash line in that outing.

Maybe Bran tells Arya about Littlefinger's past scheming, earning him a spot high on her list.

With Bran, I think he went in to some kind of a fugue state after the original Three Eyed Raven was killed, then emerged as Bran the Awkward due to that transformation. It was broken up over so many episodes (and two seasons) that it seemed very abrupt.

I think the fact that Dany chose to attack the army in the field instead of King's landing shows she isn't going down the road to madness, at least not yet.

One thing strikes me as odd… why would Bronn, who famously refused to risk his life to save Tyrion, now decide to risk his life to save Jaime? This is assuming it was Bronn who did the saving, which seems to be the case.

My guess, Jamie will struggle with one hand to remove his armor and barely succeed. He'll lose his gold hand. Then Bronn will save him.

This is maybe the only review that doesn't claim Dany was rebuking her advisers by attacking the Lannisters in the field. What Tyrion and Jon were arguing is that burning a city of thousands isn't the right way to win Westeros. Attacking in army in the field is another thing entirely, and that's what Dany chose to do.

I thought she was saying "That's not you" to herself for getting emotional over her girlhood wolf, or for thinking she was still the same girl who once had a dire wolf.

I've been getting the impression that we're seeing the limit of Littlefinger's abilities. Things have gone a little too off the rails for him and he's overstaying his welcome out of desperation, hoping for an opening to salvage his schemes. And he probably just got one with Jon heading South.

"So…why is she suddenly advocating for Dany to go in dragons blazing?"
She wants Cersei dead, and now.

Great season, great show. It's character-based comedy people. Did it matter if 30 rock or Parks and Rec had the most compelling, iron-clad and original plot lines? No, what matters are the characters and the performances, and Veep has among the best there are in comedy today. The plot is just the setup, it does and

When a guy lies that constantly, casually, unnecessarily and accidentally, you don't even need collusion.

I shit your hate.

No other choads would take the job.