
I'd bet on it.

He just plays one on TV.

"Closed due to technical difficulties, please check back in 3 years"

After years of talking politics with my very old Fox-news-watching grandmother, I finally blew up on her on Mother's Day (mildly of course, she is after all my grandmother). I should call and apologize.

"I cancelled this show for the same reason I always cancel shows… we make terrible shows"

Alex Kidd! Zillion! I'm old!

Frankly, if you're not sabotaging research facilities and murdering engineers, you are not doing enough to preserve our jobs.

It's his one regret.

Season 4 was great. You have to watch it 3 or 4 times through. Just like the original 3 seasons.

I did not enjoy Lost in Translation. I like to think people only like it because of the leads.

I'll be sure to check it out once I finish watching the thousands of hours of scripted television written and performed by people with talent.

Who made this show, geniuses?

I remember when Bluetooth was just a way for douchy-looking guys in suits to look important in public.

We-Vibe. Highly recommended.

I don't understand why people like to look at Tom Cruise. He looks like a bully elf.

The famous Writing Pits of Meereen.

That was a pretty good… stroke I just had from watching this.

Does Hulu still do that thing where they charge a monthly fee but you still have to watch commercials? If so, hard pass.

I will always have insane respect for this band for releasing "Life Won't Wait" and "Rancid (2000)" after they hit it big with "…And Out Come the Wolves". They could have released very similar material, and it wouldn't have been odd at all for a punk band to do that, but they instead broadened their style in multiple

I'm more upset by his Trumpian response than the original comment.