Snugglesaurus Rex

based on the idea that Game of Thrones is barely disguised historical fiction, male fidelity was not very important. it was expected for men to fool around. It's not fair. It's not right. It's just how it was.

Melisandra got off so easy! I could spend a whole episode on the idea that if your god chooses to burn a child, then that god is evil, and what that means for Jon. Or I could spend a book on that. I feel so bad for George RR Martin right now.

And he's been there for like a full year, and stoic all-knowing-mentor-archetype is too busy being stoic to mention anything! This kind of narrative laziness is infuriating. I feel like I'm reading the Cliff Notes to a story.

I was with you until you compared Game of Thrones to the Kardashians. Now I know you can't be taken seriously.

I love Thom Yorke's solo albums, but +1 for the imagery.

That was the most work I've ever seen a writing staff do to kill a lesbian. It's good to be reminded that no matter what, LGBT people are sub-human according to most straight people. Everyone turned stupid to kill the Dyke. Watch the episode. It's seriously built around making sure the lesbian is stupid enough to

Yeah. That's the last time I look at a trailer on AV Club. Fuck you guys. I'm removing AV Club from my favorites after ten years. Let this site be a casualty in the bullshit internet Ouroboros crash of infinite circular promotion,

Saving us from a distopian nightmare where poor children can eat food and the air and water is clean one exaggerated nonsense-post at a time. Thanks, dude.

Ironically, Russia is the birthplace of modern method acting.

Blame it on the black star
Blame it on the falling skies
Blame it on the satellite that brings me home

I just watched Spectre, Jurassic World and Terminator Genysis. Everyone involved in those two movies deserves jail time. Fuck Them. The thing is, I knew they would be terrible based on the luke-warm reviews. They were far far worse than their reviews. They were hateful to their audience. Just weightless, incoherent

Best take-down: "Oh grow up Ward." -Fitz. Adults can solve problems without getting homicidal. Thank you, Fitz.

It's the closest modern cinema gets to Flash Gordon serials. It's rewarding to watch something that bonkers and absurd passed off as mainstream cinema.

The actors were the only redeeming quality of the last 2 episodes. They delivered ridiculous garbage words with talent and skill.

I've noticed it a couple times on BBC too, but a roaring whale?

Yes, sperm whales look like mottled gray turds with a caudal fin. If there are adults out there that can't tell the difference between a baleen whale and a sperm, I pity their incurious minds.

Apparently there isn't a single sound-engineer, director foley artist, or animator in Hollywood that has met an actual animal at any time in their life.

I felt the same way until I realized we're just reading his log entries. The only bits you're getting of him are what he's taking the time to record. Watney's talking to whoever finds his logs after he dies. The whole superman thing is just him trying to sound brave for the history books.

He should look in the mirror, and ask. If a person without my connections pitched this show, would it exist? The answer is, he knows Chris Pratt, and so he gets a paycheck for this bullshit.

Thanks for saying it so nicely. I would have said that they were making fun of a guy that had his shoulder crushed by forceps during birth because some asshole wanted to sell forceps to hospitals.