Snugglesaurus Rex

So funny. I scrolled down knowing the first comment would be someone claiming to be too cool to enjoy this. I think it's the title that makes commentators so predictable. The Onion should know better than to declare 'great job' to anyone.

The latest iteration of humanity has blasted fully-formed from its chrysalis, and it is Rick and Morty. All that was before this is prologue. Rick and Morty is the vanguard that brings humanity to its true state. All should watch. All should know. All should really think about ethics as much as the writers of this

'Nature Always Wins' … Really? I didn't watch it. That sentence is enough to put me off of the entire show. It's as stupid a statement as 'evolution always wins' spoken triumphantly by a genetically engineered soldier from Man of Steel.

She is definitely a contender for the gold in the great-bone-structure-having Olympics.

I'm just stuck on the absolute ugliness of what Rick did to his daughter. If I had abandoned a child like he did, then watch her totally undermine her autonomy to get me to stay with her, I would successfully kill myself. Beth's speech to Rick at the end of the episode was fucking devastating. She's ignoring

The right-wing in the USA doesn't have a media personality equivalent to Jon Stewart. Stewart toed no party line.

I can easily see him promising gory details for Chilton's book in exchange for luxuries. Or, granting access to researchers for more space. El Chapo got his own private prison and had a tunnel built. Hannibal may not be as rich, but he's definitely smart enough to get good treatment.

There's more to a traitor to his country than the color of his skin. We love to pretend that Republicans represent a rational opposition to the humanist, equal-rights, rational folks on the left. False equivalency between the two parties gives us a superiority-boner over everyone that takes the time to form educated

I love shows that assume the audience is paying attention. In the final episode of season two, Will Graham only called Hannibal to warn him after Alana told him about the arrest warrants for both Jack and Will. He didn't warn Hannibal to protect Hannibal. He warned Hannibal knowing that if Jack didn't get arrested, he

Charlies Angels was already a gender-swapped parody. Gender-swapped Charlies Angels is every other spy TV show ever made. Men lose nothing from this.

It's gotta be someone that is near to where Jon Stewart was when he started. Jon Stewart was a b-list at best host/actor/comedian, and he gave birth to his persona on The Daily Show. For the Daily Show to live, to stay relevant, it must have a host that creates themselves in that rebirth. … And I've been watching too

Hannibal can fuck with the best of them, but he can only make love to Will Graham or Clarice Starling. As he said, it's only cannibalism if they're equals. It's only love if they're equals.

The actor plays what happened to him in the temple better than the script does. Being forced to try to murder your friends by an outside force that has forcibly taken control of your nervous system would be, simply, rape. Mack's been raped. I don't think writers realize how life-mind-heart shattering his experience in

What was she supposed to do? Let them take off?

Dude, it's an alternate universe. There's a universe where Wolverine is gay and married to Hercules. He's Barton under different circumstances. This Barton is much older than his beginning in the comic, worked for SHIELD long before meeting The Avengers.

Yeah, he has no charisma in opposite world! Yeah! I went there! Seriously, the guy has a shitty agent or something, but he's a fantastic actor. Check out Louie Season four episodes: In the Woods. He's great. I also liked him in Avengers 2.

Two things? That's un-possible!

Ward is the most trustworthy man in the world, if he needs to prove to you he can be a good boy. He'll betray Agent 33 long before he betrays Coulson; she isn't validating his self-hatred any-more, and so he's lost all respect for her.

It's going to be a fucked-up movie. That cannot be helped. There's no way to make a conventional movie out of these parts. The Avengers comic was utter crap for decades. It was sexist, derivative, nonsensical, in-between the rare moments when it was just OK. The characters only teamed up because there was a government

A sequel is always a used car. There will never be another first Avengers movie. Given Whedon's track record, and the fickle nature of reviewers, I'm willing to bet it's flawed, raw, weird, bold, stupid, wonderful, and completely uncool. So I'm going to love it.