Snugglesaurus Rex

Well,she was robbed of a functioning upbringing by her shit-head dad, so she's got an excuse.

I thought it made a great statement about how empty violence is without context. I thought the Dr. Wong monologue blew it all away textually and meta-textually.

That's the music. Music has rests. 'Flight of the Bumblebee' is fucking boring in a world where all music moves at that pace. Dr. Wong's speech was also great writing. We watched 15 minutes of slaughter, and the most intense and true part of the show was the truth. It's transcending the genre.

He's one of the most complex and interesting characters on television. That's objective fact.

He still has his priorities straight. He didn't even pause to think about it. You can't spend money when you're dead.

The current political situation in the United States should teach everyone that politics is a skill that requires knowledge, training, and intelligence. When you don't have those, you're country is fucked. Sansa is now a skilled politician. It's its own super-power.

In the books, it was Joffrey who stole the knife from Robert's arsenal and paid a dude to put Bran out of his misery because he was tired of listening to people cry about Bran. Then Littlefinger used the confusion to his advantage to set the Starks against the Lanisters… Is it different in the show?

He was going for Daenerys

It was a gamble Jaime was willing to give his life for. One tiny chance to end the war entirely by killing Danarys. Jaime is a big picture kind of guy. He was willing to trade his life for a %3 chance of saving everyone.

It'll take a head-shot. I'm not looking forward to that. Since this is 'experts' we can say that maesters know how to poison dragons. Qyburn may have dropped out of school too early.

It was totally the right gamble. He was willing to sacrifice himself for a %1 chance of ending the war entirely. I've never loved that incestuous, traitorous, pushing-child-out-of-window piece of shit more.

The realistic parts have to be realistic for the fantasy to work. Sam Tarly should have lost weight. The Sand Snakes should have fought like they were aiming for their opponents bodies and not their weapons. Lord Varys shouldn't have been able to cross the world twice in an episode. I still love the show, but I miss…

They never did muscle against muscle. It was more deflection than parry. (I watched the fight twice.)

Sure he's rural, but he isn't an idiot or an asshole.

Stewart and Colbert didn't force anyone's hands. They didn't intentionally deceive anyone.

Thank you. This a million times over. Prequels can only ever be less than the original story because there is no way to completely remove the fact that the end of the story is fixed in stone.

God. I wish they'd thin out a bit so I could discuss a great show. The thing is, it doesn't matter how good the show is, they're watching it to take an shit on something to boost their self-esteem. It's easier than thinking about it.

We know, without doubt that Trump is not trustworthy. It's a matter of public record at this point. Putting out an honest tax return might win him some points with the public. It's in his best interest.

So you're renouncing your citizenship when she wins the election fair and square then?

which is fine. Some of the scenes may be happening much later than the scenes we see before, or earlier. Area's bit may happen a month after Jamie left. There's lots of characters. Lots of time. We want the important stuff. Danerys may have set sail a month after Jon was proclaimed King in the North. It's OK.