Snugglesaurus Rex

And Sky isn't the most articulate character. Her metaphors get away from her pretty regularly.

Then I tried listening to Guy's track featured right after the National Anthem, and I get a bitchy intro, "Who here hates reality television?" And I emergency-stop the recording.

At first I was all like, 'OH NO YOU DIDN'T!!!!!!@"

"You are not special." There are 7 billion cubic feet, that excluding each other are more complex than the rest of the known universe combined. The moment you think you are gifted, or better, or privileged is the moment you become less than all those others because you have given up on the wonder of discovery. Every

Loretta said all she needed to say. Raylan was good enough to her that she risked her own life to make sure he was OK. Raylan was good enough to her to make her into a good enough person to make sure he didn't get killed at the last moment. It was his actions towards her over the last year or two in Justified time

That is how you do payoff. That is how you end a story.

And, he did create Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and kind of dedicated his public life to feminism. He deserves the benefit of the doubt.

Joss Whedon is so sexist, why, he hates women almost none of the percent that Stephanie Meyer or E L James do. The clip is sexist garbage. It plays to the absolute worst stereotypes of career women, and I'm a bit ashamed to be a fan of either actor at this point.

I just want to say in advance of the finale, on the record, recorded by nobody in a dead thread for no other reason that the producers have hooked me on this story completely, that if Raylan doesn't get to win, and live happily ever after, I will forever consider this the worst show on television. I will not purchase

Dead thread, yes, but I've been working 12 hour days. Helen is the goal, but the city is still destroyed, thousands die, over something or someone totally not worth it. Avengers isn't about chasing a box. The Iliad isn't about Helen of Troy. The Golden Fleece isn't the point of Hercules business. Complaining about

He cast Matt Smith. And he cast Iaian De Caesteker, who gives more nuance, authenticity, and depth to Agents of Shield than it's scripts earn. The guy brings the soul. Any and all Doctor Who fandom aside, he cast Matt Smith. Matt Smith is a sane Klaus Kinski. They should show Matt Smith's work in acting classes when

'Wynn Duffy Reacting to Crazy Shit' is the title of the spin-off series to this show. It follows Jere Burns as Wynn Duffy as he walks around and sees stuff. It's one camera show that never leaves his face, and you never see what he's reacting to, but you can tell by his face that it's fucking crazy what he's

Raylan is above us all.

They've been charismatasizing him. He hasn't been good ever. He killed a man in cold blood in the first episode, and never admitted he was wrong. He prioritized risk to his freedom over the lives of innocents. He is self-serving to the detriment of the well being of thousands of other people's lives. He is an enemy of

I'm not quite halfway through the episode. I had to work very late. But man, Lincoln is a terrible case of 'bone structure casting'. Kreetemple is not a word. Kree Temple is a super-important thing that means something to the character. I see him dying in a couple episodes. Dude is just reciting lines in a

You sir, are a puny god.

Like the story in the Avengers cares about the people of New York, and the future of humanity. The Maguffin isn't the stakes.

And every heist movie ever made, and every cop movie ever made if the box is a criminal. Every war movie ever made if the box is land or a government.

Being that many millions of people have watched it many times, I'd say that number is above ZERO. Plus it's funnier than most comedies I've seen lately.

Neck armor. And Caps got his arm, plus cap is super-strong. Plus the death of Captain America like that would be very dissatisfying in this film.