Snugglesaurus Rex

And Raiders of the Lost Arc and The Iliad. Replace 'Box that could Destroy the World' with love or revenge and you've got all of Shakespeare, and uh, everything else.

People or a person fight obstacles in pursuit of a goal is the only plot there is.

Just got back to a computer to respond to a dead thread, but what you wrote got me thinking. Glenn/Nicholas was counterpoint. We know Glenn. He's stood up to help people, but not to lead. He's done what he's told. He hasn't had to go as deep as Rick. But now he doesn't have to. Neither does Rick, but Rick doesn't know

Wow. Not the show I watched.

This was the best finally of Walking Dead ever made. It was a massive shift in the lives of everyone. It was more significant than any episode, better written, more dramatic, more exiting, and cooler than any season ending so far. This is the show growing a new level. It's not just about plot any more. This is where

Loved it. Hoped beyond hope that the writing was getting less obvious. If it's all about survival, then civilization is the only way these people survive. Being good is an adaptation. All the people that pretend we're all in competition would never have been born if good people didn't work together out of altruism. In

She finally understood. Yay character development.

I thought that was what was great about it. The whole family knew he was a douche-bag, but he was family so all they have to remember him by is his douchey music. And since NIN is overwrought, unsubtle, and immature, it made a perfect point of Sasha's emotional state. It's not an unrealistic response to trauma, but

You could care less. You took the time to comment about how you don't care. You care enough to dismiss other people's excitement as age based, and therefor not rational. My guess is you care about making internet strangers feel bad about themselves. That's a shitty hobby.

Arlo's ghost was an indulgence. They got a guy they really liked back on screen and back on set to hang out with. It was sentimental, a complete betrayal of the visual language and naturalism Justified has built over the last six years. I hated the fuck out of that bit despite loving the rest of the episode.

Raylan Givens is a serial killer. He's a brilliant serial killer. Maybe the most brilliant fiction has ever dreamed up. He found a job that killing his 'father' over and over is a part of the job description. He continually thought up ways to justify murdering his victims, by creating circumstances that forced him to

I don't know, it seemed she was genuinely humbled by her underestimation of Skye.

Still the idea that super-advanced aliens gave people super-powers is slightly more believable than humans evolving into mutants naturally.

Or it's an excuse to get her off the show. She'll have to go to the Inhumans for training. She gets a handle on it, she's unstoppable. That's not what this show is about. The moment she gains control, she's the end of believable vulnerability and conflict for the characters. She'll just shake the enemies guns apart.

My money's on him being a fanatic. The Kree in comics and now movies are notoriously inflexible. Once they've adopted a point of view, they don't change their minds. They stopped evolving.

It just means the only way the Kree find out about Terrigenesis is if it happens in a Kree city. The Inhumans are doing it on their own.

We really need new stories. The first half of last century has been mined to the end of the vein. Fans need to realize that it's not the title on a thing that makes it good. No one is a fan of Superman, really. Because you will not find a fan that doesn't acknowledge that a lot of Superman's catalog is utter garbage.

Mack spent the entire episode being the 'Magical Negro' dispensing advice about white people's relationships, then sent down a hole, alone, to obviously die. This after a speech that there were no "acceptable losses" from Coulson.

River Song used her vortex manipulator to take Amy Pond back to the present, and then Amy changed her name to Karen so The Doctor wouldn't find out, so she could star in a mediocre sit-com just because she always thought that would be fun, so long as it didn't last too long. Amy Pond is now going to go into the future