
Sixteen comments, huh? I guess that half-ass review of the first show pretty much scared everyone away.

"4 Regrettings and a Funeral" — OMG THAT IS A HILARIOUS PUN!!!!!1!!11!

"Preemptive countersuit" isn't the right terminology, but yes, this happens all the time. If you think someone else is going to sue you, and they have made enough public assertions that you are engaging in illegal behavior and they are likely to bring a lawsuit against you, then you can go into court first (against

Are you talking about that week of strips where Garfield's house becomes abandoned and he's some sort of apparition-like figure that nobody acknowledges? If so, 25 years later, I still remember being COMPLETELY freaked out by those strips. Just so out of left field, and completely crazy. And then, the next week, it

Great props. "Keep jobs in America and turn out a poor-quality product!"

Putting aside the crossover stuff, while there are some great lines, there are also some not-really-up-to-classic-Simpsons-standards bits, too.  I'm thinking of the "Rappin' Rabbis" and the belching contest.  If, as another commenter said, a Critic writer wrote this episode, it shows — like The Critic itself, it's a


"What gives, cue-ball?  I'm looking at you and thinking, 'Fourteen in the side pocket!'"

Do you want to play John Wilkes Booth or do you want to act like a maniac?

I hate that Squeeze is mostly known (in the US, anyway) for "Tempted," which is (a) overplayed, (b) barely features their two most prominent members, and (c) lacks the wit and wry sound of most of their other songs (including "Black Coffee in Bed").

What I love about the song "Vacation" is after the first chorus, when the song cycles back to what sounds like the intro (when the synth line comes back in), but it's not quite the intro—it's modified just enough that it leads perfectly to a lead-in to the second chorus.  It's really a fantastic piece of songwriting

"The A.V. Club examines an album that went to No. 1 on the Billboard charts to get to the heart of what it means to be popular in pop music, and how that concept has changed over the years."

"You tell those pigs to fuck off!"

Carlucci… carp sushi… nope, doesn't work.

I guess they're saving the murder of the white Australian guy in Oklahoma by three black guys for another episode. 

Hey, I'm a Republican who reads the AV Club every day. Not many of us around!

"These are people who weren’t very talented, got into [journalism], hung in there and made it to the middle, and then had to keep making the payments on their condos, despite the fact that they hadn’t gotten any more talented, and were a lot more tired than they used to be."

I was always more of a Goin' Quackers guy.

To this day, I won't sing hymns whenever I find myself in a church. It's my lifelong protest.

Ah, I get your gimmick:  "cribbing from old SNL skits, but getting enough of the skit wrong that it's unclear whether you're trying to copy it completely and failing, or trying to revise it with your own humor, but in either case confusing the reader into non-humor."