
Bryan Singer has confirmed that Quicksilver will have a prominent role in X-Men Apocalypse, so we have that to look forward to

Yeah, because without your ticket purchase, Marvel is doomed to fail financially.

Pixar + Psychonauts?

DoFP was awesome across all fronts, but really, it was worth the price of admission just because of that fan-fucking-tastic "Time in a Bottle" scene with Quicksilver. I've become so jaded with big-budget CGI blockbusters that very few things in these movies make me go HOLY SHIT.

Well, Marvel is still doing the "get unique director for obscure property" thing with Guardians of the Galaxy, and to an even bigger degree, since James Gunn is more eccentric than Wright and GotG is much weirder and more niche than Ant Man.

I'm sure Wright would have made a great Ant Man movie but why are people acting like he's the only one who can make a great Ant Man movie? Just because it's a passion project of his doesn't mean that there aren't other qualified directors who can do just as good of a job. I've enjoyed Wright's movies but I feel like a

You sound 12

But does this documentary meet the Bechdel Test??

Yeah I guess Duplicity wasn't too bad, and The International had some good moments. Still, dude needs a career revitalization

Princess Zelda gasped lightly. Her bosom quivered, her toes clenched, and a moan escaped her lips as Ganondorf slowly entered the dark forbidden realms of her own personal Hyrule…

I wouldn't mind seeing Joe Cornish either. Attack the Block was fucking awesome. Isn't he signed on to the Snow Crash adaptation at the moment though?

Once again, I reiterate, outside of a small circle of die-hard fans, who really cares? These movies are directed at the biggest audience possible, but Marvel has mostly done right by the material by giving it to talented directors and making them more than empty spectacle. Most people don't even know who directed any

I doubt anybody outside of a very small Internet community actually cares if Edgar Wright is directing this or not, so in the long run, it's irrelevant that he's not part of this project. Marvel will still find a pretty good director and make tons of money.

Introverts are such dull people.

Meg White was pretty much completely irrelevant to the White Stripes' critical and commercial success. If Jack White had swapped her out for another random drummer it would make no difference. I don't know both sides of the story, but from what Jack is saying, she sounds like a real buzzkill. I'm sure he can be an

The funniest thing is people claiming they won't see this movie just because Edgar Wright is no longer involved, as if he's the ONLY eccentric, auteur director out there willing to do superhero movies. You all know you'll be there opening weekend.

Yeah, looks like Marvel is going to go broke without your ticket purchase for Ant Man. What a tragedy this is

You know what would be mind-blowingly awesome though? An Iron Fist/Luke Cage movie by Gareth Evans (the director of The Raid/The Raid 2 for those unaware)

Edgar Wright is overrated. There are many great auteur directors who can take his place. Marvel has the clout and influence to get whoever they want. I don`t see why people are complaining about the studio being formulaic about their choice of director. They spent a shitload of money on an obscure, weird-as-hell

Joshua Tree is a fantastic everything album