
If anyone is worried about the Battle of Castle Black, rest easy: Neil Marshall, who directed the Blackwater episode in season 2, is coming back to direct the upcoming episode as well. So we are definitely getting the whole battle in episode 9, and I'm sure it will be brilliantly directed

And don't forget Tyrion killing Tywin and Shae! I would put him as part of "the children" as well, as he has always been the unloved child in a family obsessed with perfection

Also, Dany mentioned whether it was the "pillar" or the "stones" that were cut. If Grey Worm just had his balls castrated, he can still bang Missandei

So predictions for the next couple of weeks: episode 9 will probably be entirely be the Battle of Castle Black, and the finale will probably climax with Tyrion escaping after killing Tywin and Shae and epiloguing with Lady Stoneheart…right?

Those were some fantastic boobs

Congrats, Benioff and Weiss, you sadistic bastards, you just LOVE portraying your fan favourite characters' deaths in the most brutal, horrific ways possible don't you?

If Marvel wants a "safe" choice, a great director would be Rupert Wyatt, who did Rise of the Planet of the Apes. That movie was really, really well directed.


Everytime someone says "Jesus Christ".

The comments on this article are only making me realize just how fucking awesome 90s music was

Just let it go. Community is over. It had 2.5 amazing seasons and then 2.5 shitty ones. There is no point in bringing it back

I loved this movie. D- is fucking ridiculous.

The AV Club staff members look pretty much exactly like I had imagined them to

What the fucking fuck? There was going to a Raid remake? How would that even work? The Raid movies live and die by there non-stop action, fight choreography and adrenaline, and there is no way Hollywood will ever match the level of the fight scenes in those movies. I am just…baffled by this.

Watch Dogs 3.5: 2 Watch 2 Dogs

Have you not seen Slither?

Yeah they made a profit, but they're hardly blockbusters, and when you're playing in Marvel's field, you have to deliver a blockbuster

Because no other director other than Edgar Wright has ever made a critically and commercially acclaimed film. Hell, Edgar Wright has never made a film that can be called commercially successful

Winter Soldier was all sorts of badass. To everyone who thought that Cap couldn't hold his own in the Avengers, his severe amounts of ass-kicking in this movie should silence the haters. I also really enjoyed ScarJo's performance as Black Widow, and her and Evans built a solid, intriguing,