
Usually it does, but this one doesn't seem like that though. Taylor acknowledged how important U2 is to him and how much he loves their music, except for this one particular song that he's not a fan of

Call the cops if you see Tupac, grab ya glock if you see Tupac

Yeah I never understood the staying friends with exes thing. You can of course treat each other with courtesy and respect if you ever come across the other on the street or something, but staying in contact? i don't get it.

Community sucks

I honestly can't find any new games I want to play, so I might just revisit some old favourites. Been feeling like going through Last of Us again, but I might play through Mass Effect 2 or Uncharted 2, both of which I consider the greatest games of the previous generation (PS3/360)

Oh god, when I was playing Far Cry 3, i was OBSESSED with clearing the map from the pirates and claiming the territory as my own. I pretty much ignored the main story until I claimed all the territory for myself. Same with the Infamous games. It's just an obsessive itch for me

Agreed, and I think Edwards did an excellent job with Godzilla. Sure, there were issues with characterization and dialogue, but he still seems like a blockbuster guy who actually respects the material and puts a lot of effort and craftsmanship into it. We haven't gotten that in Star Wars movies since Empire Strikes

Clive Owen needs to get a new agent, stat. Has the guy been in a halfway decent movie since Inside Man in, oh…2006!?

i didn't know this movie was a sequel to Shoot Em Up

I know right? One day, you're making a barely-seen, low-budget cult sci fi, and the next day, you're given the keys to the mega-budget reboots of 2 of the most well-known movie franchises of all time

At least this article has a pic of She-Hulk with giant tits, unlike the last one, where the breasts were merely average. So yeah it gets a pass from me. Oh yeah something about David Gayer and comics or sexism or some shit

Where the fuck are the giant boobs? I swear I'm gonna go apeshit if I do't find some giant animated green tits right this second

I have nothing to add, except that Girls is a shitty show and it sucks and if you watch it you suck

I fucking love this show. I have watched a LOT of TV and I have never seen anything like Louie ever put on screen. I have no way describe it accurately, except that even with the surreal and occasionally fantastically humorous situations, it feels more REAL than any show I have ever seen. Not a single emotional or

As fantastic and complex as the "Model" episode was…I fucking lost my shit when Louie slipped on the wet floor

Batman Begins is perfectly titled

Gonna be hard to top the Games Without Frontiers montage, that shit was fucking awesome

The ellipses are…rather…unnecessary

if they haven't been hardened and jaded by the deaths of Ned Stark and the Red Wedding incident then they have no hope

I'm with you there. I really like Magic. It's very…soothing, I guess, would be the right way to put it. It brings to mind rainy days and being out in the wild for me. When a song can instill at least some kind of positive emotion, it's done its job regardless of how unique or progressive it is