miss b

Just had a thought while reading your comment: does Rick believe that suggesting to Beth they go drink his way of encouraging relationship maintenance (in a dark, messed up way)?

People do terrible things when they're scared. Not excusing, just saying.

What makes Jerry insufferable, in my opinion is because, whether people want to acknowledge or not, he is relatable and he's flawed. There are some parts of him—his insecurities, his averageness, his cowardice—we've seen in ourselves. But because those traits are deemed as undesirable and inferior, it's better to

Agree that she's smarter and more capable but I don't think that equates to her being a better person. I think you could make an argument for either Jerry or Beth on who's more flawed but that would take forever.

But is Beth really better than him or does Jerry think she is based on his crippling insecurities and self-doubt?

I don't know if anyone one of the main characters are necessarily better than the other. They all have their flaws and thinking off the top of my head, I think Jerry is just as self-centered as Beth is. And there was that one time when his ego got the best of him and he deliberately embarrassed/shamed Morty in front

Don't you mean Jerry? And the real Morty is forced out of the room by Rick before Jerry notices them?

Hmm. Makes you wonder if Beth is more like Jerry than she cares to admit.

Agree except that Cyril Figgis secretly wants to be like Archer but it's an open secret he never will be. I don't think Jerry wants to be like Rick at all.

My take on Summer, from Seasons 1 and 2, was that she acknowledged and accepted Rick's genius, like Morty and Beth, does not put up with his bullshit and calls him out on his flaws, unlike Beth, and has startling moments of ingenuity and deep thought process.

I guess I'm in the minority. I sat and watched the entire thing straight through. I liked it but I'm not entirely sure where they're going to go with this if it gets a second season. At the same time, though, I don't think the focus is supposed to be a on the plot and where it's headed but more on each character and

You mean they're not continuing it?

Thought ya'll would love to know that the Mulan Szechuan Teriyaki Dipping Sauce is going for $99,000 on eBay. Love it!

Yeah, I figured it out last night after another viewing. Thanks, anyway.

But I don't remember Summer hero worshipping Rick like she seems to now. She loves him, that's for certain. But she seemed to keep a clear head and call him out when it was necessary. At the same time, though, it was heavily implied in season 2 that she was jealous of Rick taking Morty on adventures more often than

If I heard that exchange carefully, I even think Summer wished Morty dead. Now that hurt my feelings. Poor Morty.

This is not my idea. It's something I saw on Reddit and since no one (I don't think) mentioned it here, I wanted to share it. When Rick was transferring out of his original body and leaving Nathan Fillion behind, Rick told him that he was leaving his improv lessons behind, specifically how he learned the rule of three.

Maybe that's why he tried to do time travel and failed!

Maybe. Maybe not. In season 1. episode 10, "evil" Morty stated that, "Mortys have no chance of defeating a Rick" and yet "evil" Morty found a way to do it. Or at the very least control Rick.

And yet Rick is just as self-serving, even more so, and "wins" every time because he's just smarter.