miss b

It seems Samsung wanted to take advantage, too. Three commercials in a row? Damn.

Oh yeah, Jerry saw it, too. Though his reasons may have not been completely selfless, he saw Rick for who he was but couldn't do anything about it unless Beth did something about it.

Rick is corrosive. It seems like he poisons everything he touches. Yes, he loves Morty, Summer, and Beth but he corrupts them each time he, I think, goes from one universe to the next, to the point that he effs up the particular universe he's in or until Morty becomes so disillusioned with him that he starts to become

I just saw that. Very smart marketing, imho.

There was a lizard Rick, too!

It might be. Maybe that's what happened with that Evil Morty?

There's so much packed into this episode that I want to discuss with you all. First, amazing episode! Second, I'm pissed with Beth. Can someone say enabler? Third: Summer. I don't remember her being this dependent on Rick and was it something that developed over her jealousy of Rick's focused on attention on Morty?

Noticed it missing as well and cackled to myself.

I've been lurking through other forums and a popular theory for the sequel is that Joel is going to die/dead and Ellie's just imagining him with her as she goes for revenge. The only reason I'm giving this any real thought is because I can't picture anything getting Ellie so livid save for Joel being killed/turned

I think Naughty Dog gave a few examples of how Joel was not a hero at all well before the last hour of the game.

Because people like that want to believe that they are basically good, decent men and women. When they are called racists or white supremacists, that accusation undermines the false image they have of themselves. So instead of having to confront who they really are, they become defensive, say people of color are being


Yes! Thank you. How could I forget that? Take away the compelling action that was actually from the book, only to replace it with that? Absolutely asinine.

I'm surprised the Half-Blood Prince got ranked so high. It was an awful rom-com honestly.

I'm the first one here? And I have nothing clever, funny, or witty to say. Someone help me out.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I learned my lesson from The Good Wife. I won't be watching this.

I'm glad I'm not the only person who feels this way. Something seems off with all the trailers I've seen for X:Men Apocalypse and I'm not the least bit excited to see it. Doctor Stranger, on the other hand, looks like something promising. November can't get here quickly enough.

The first half of season 6 wasn't bad. I mean, Cary Agos finally got to do something that didn't equate to standing around like a house plant. The rest, I agree with you. And don't forget about the disastrous season 4.

I didn't see the whole episode. Where is Cary teaching? Was it a temporary job or did it look permanent?

In that moment, Diane reminded me of the Alicia I used to like back in season 1. Maybe she can be The Good Wife. Spin off? Because I'm not feeling that new promo the Kings are promoting for Brain Dead .