the Late Idi Armin

this isn't even fucking fusion its just jazz wank

Sex: the pleasure is momentary, the position ridiculous, and the expense damnable.

I read about the heavy metal black kids who where busking in NY and got some huge number of view on youtube. Apparently they signed a deal for 5 FUCKING ALBUMS and were advanced 1.8 million or so by Sony. the first album is being held up in production for some reason. the kids sounded like they had been taken to

well he damn near became engaged to the daughter of a New Hampshire Senator so i'm guessing he would ditch the 'cause' if there was a chance of getting some action.

This stage is basically the beauty pageant stage for the party Bosses, you'll get to rubber stamp someone in a year or so.

I have huge sympathies for you having to go through interviews for work. I fucking hate interviewing. trying to sound like a normal person enthusiastic about a pretty stupid job when it just the money you want.

the depressing task of turning 26?

sorry to be the grammar nazi but you mean bare breasts, i think . bear breasts i guess would be a very specific thing

Is that the Elaine who owns 'Elaine's' the nightclub mentioned in Billy Joel's "big shot'? if so could you get our names on the list at the Door?

too be fair this is the worse thing thats ever happened to her and she's as tough as ( in a really good way) so she'll get through it ok

it hasn't been a good start to the year.

you haven't got problems. my wife's friend has problems, her dad just died of strokes while incubating a brain cancer, her husband doesn't help with the kid or the house which they are trying to sell (except he doesn't want to sell it ) and she's pregnant again.

Its $7.47?

I thought being a pool guy would lead to some action and it did, if you meant cleaning and fixing pools.

stuffed chicken breast? .

You don’t see people at their best in this job, said Death.
Mort by Terry Pratchett 1987

because you would have played fast and loose with the data. we know you.

"Skilled guitarist, who simply cannot resist showing off" guitarists…showing off…when that start happening?


Dik is becoming some sort of jerky?