
It's fine that you think that, but my feelings couldn't be more different. For a start, Eddie Redmayne gave one of the most entertaining and bold performances I've ever seen - he absolutely went for it and played evil, genocidal space dictatorship to a tee. And there are reasons in the text for why he's an absolute

JA was a really fun space romp, and it's much closer in genre and scale to Star Wars than Belle. Belle was good (not great, but good) and Gugu gave an excellent performance, but it's also little-known and is unlikely to mean much to many of the people reading.

She was half-deer.

Gugu was great in a small role in Jupiter Ascending (complete with enormous deer ears), and as a whole the film was a really fun ride. Personally, I love it to pieces and know many others who feel the same. It's also the most elaborate, large-scale sci-fi production Gugu's ever worked on, so it makes sense to mention

Actually, what makes Jupiter 'special' is one of the most interesting and thought-provoking elements of the film for me. The film exists in a world where the hierarchy is founded on genetics - splices are created specifically to serve certain functions, and are below pure born humans in the social strata; the

Thank you! I always think it's really cool when someone with a different opinion can respect someone else's view, so good for you!

That's exactly how I feel. I read one review which said JA had common flaws and extraordinary virtues, and I would agree with that - its problems are common to many a Hollywood blockbuster, but other movies are given passes while JA is decried as an abomination. I simply don't get it!

They probably omitted such a scene for budget/cost reasons. I've read parts of the script and there was originally a scene where Jupiter saw mounds of naked human bodies waiting to be refined. In the final film the early scene with the three siblings fulfils that function - you see the aftermath of a harvest (even

As much as I love JA, it definitely needed more room to breathe. I would LOVE to see Jupiter Ascending: The Series.

There's actually already quite a bit of fanfic and fanart, so the fans are doing a good job at expanding on the world and keeping the flame burning :). I'm hoping that there will be graphic novels expanding on the universe/story one day - I'd settle for that!

Lana Wachowski didn't magically switch from a male mindset to a female mindset (such things don't even really exist, but I'll use the terms for simplicity's sake) on the day of her operation. Looking at Jupiter Ascending, it's pretty clear what her adolescent notebook doodles involved.

Most of the people I know who love Jupiter Ascending enjoy it as a fun and goofy space opera with interesting ideas and a fascinating world. I have yet to see anyone argue that it's a misunderstood cinematic masterpiece (I'd say it's misunderstood, but it's no masterpiece and it wasn't trying to be one), so you seem

Just one more thing - this article's hang up on bestiality is absolutely hilarious. Regardless of the "I love dogs" line it's obvious to anyone with eyeballs that wolf boy bears a far closer resemblance to Channing Tatum than he does any breed of canine. The Jupiter/Caine romance is the kind of naive, idealised love

LOL, I certainly wouldn't say it's that bad! It's the kind of movie where the guy shows he loves the girl by making the grandest of grand gestures - to be specific, he storms the planet Jupiter to save her. There are only two explicitly lovey-dovey scenes between them (both a little cringey), and Jupiter gets the more

I can understand where the people who have that criticism are coming from, though I don't agree with it - the film is explicitly about transcending boundaries (including racial ones) and the casting goes all ways (so Halle Berry plays a Jewish woman. for example).

I'll never quite understand the critics of Cloud Atlas (especially the ones who decry it as a 'terrible' film). It's brilliant as far as I'm concerned and I'll readily defend it in the face of anyone who says otherwise.

Good for you! I always think it's a shame that people are basically shamed (or made to feel like they have to apologise) for enjoying a movie that happened to be rejected by the majority. I love JA absolutely and unapologetically - it was great fun.

Jupiter Ascending is, to put it simply, a magical girl anime where the magical girl doesn't have powers and is special only by dint of her genes (or, at least, that's what she keeps on being told). Simples.

I would say "delightfully batshit" (I loved it), but that's just my experience - as the comments here demonstrate, this film is extremely divisive and people seem to fall into all of the three camps you mention.

I can sympathise with that. I feel similarly annoyed when I see people present the argument that Jupiter Ascending is somehow objectively bad and impossible to enjoy sincerely on any level - I have come across that argument on many, many occasions, and it annoys me because my biggest beef is inflexibility (or, to put