
Fuck Yeah Jupiter Ascending (I'm hoping AVC doesn't have a censor screener!)

I unapologetically love Jupiter Ascending and just wanted to say it's nice to see people turning out in support of it in the comments. It's such a fun, imaginative and bonkers movie, and I love it to pieces - it's aggressively weird and atypical and I can absolutely understand why it failed, but I adore its scope,

I love JA without really caring much for the romance angle, and I do feel Jupiter has agency - it's just that her agency is highly non-physical since she is at an immense disadvantage for 90% of the film's run time (i.e. she has few trustworthy allies, few useful skills and little or no fighting prowess). Jupiter's

I actually found JA's treatment of 'specialness' far more interesting than The Matrix's, probably because The Matrix - when viewed in isolation - is essentially a very basic and straightforward chosen one story. There is a prophecy. Neo feels it can't possibly concern him (i.e. he's humble), but comes to fulfil it

I will always hold that Redmayne's performance was absolute genius. He was deranged, delusional and histrionic, all the qualities the character demanded,

My blog Fuck Yeah Jupiter Ascending should suit your every JA need (it literally has everything from elaborately constructed meta to questionable fanart. I'm very proud of it).

I love JA and will defend it to the death, but I absolutely agree that it's ridiculous to claim the movie was attacked because of endemic sexism. I'd argue that an element of alienation/disorientation (at seeing tropes lifted from romances and Regency-era familial dispute novels inserted into a grand sci-fi setting)

I put it like this to the peeps at HDTGM, and feel it's worth re-posting here: JA is the butchered theatrical version of an epic 1980s space opera anime that never existed, so it's a sprawling twelve-hour story compressed into a two-hour straitjacket. It's bursting at the seams and while I absolutely understand why it

+ a million! I love Jupiter Ascending to pieces, and it's great to see people turning out to support it. The following is far from insubstantial and is building day by day, and you're right - it's probably being ignored because it's mostly female and largely consigned to fandom ghettoes such as tumblr.

I run what's probably the largest JA fanblog on tumblr (4,000+ followers) and I'd say that this attitude of "our trash" has pretty much died out. That type of fandom was there in the weeks following the film's initial release (and generated lots of coverage on sites like the Mary Sue, which is why people still think

Every film is a sum of its influences, so being "wholly original" is essentially impossible because no film exists in a vacuum. Almost every film that's nominally original riffs on pre-existing properties - so Star Wars, perhaps the most universally beloved sci-fi film ever made, lifts liberally from Kurosawa and the

I doubt the original commentator meant to imply that all girls had those fantasies/thus enjoyed or would enjoy Jupiter Ascending. At the same time, I do feel that they have a legitimate point since JA is very heavily female-coded - thus you have a wedding, beautiful costumes, a shlocky romance (with a werewolf, no

As someone who adored Jupiter Ascending and Cloud Atlas, I can't wait for this and really hope it does well. The Wachowskis deserve success.