
Yesssss love that line. I remember watching it constantly with my roommates way back in the day. Seriously, now I want to go buy it on DVD or god help me Blu-ray if it's available.

OMG Anaconda was out that year, I forgot. I love that movie even though I know it's terrible. Actually, maybe love it because it's so gleefully terrible that it's endearing.

Yeah, I did a double take at that line also.

With ambitions like that is it any wonder I still swoon at the thought of her?

Well this discussion made me search to confirm, and the NY Times, EW, and Ebert each praised aspects of the film but mostly gave it tepid reviews. Those are likely the major sources for reviews I was reading as a whippersnapper back in 1997, so that might explain my memory of things.

Huh, I definitely recall it being met with lukewarm praise or dismissed as a noble but flawed film. Who knows, it has been twenty years and my memory ain't what it used to be when I was young and full of spunk and electricity. Maybe it was just my friends that disliked it, who knows.

I always heard she dropped out of acting to raise her son. But sure, we can blame Tarantino.

Yeah, I think that one still holds up and deserves to be on this list. There's a scene early on where Wahlberg and his mother are arguing and she throws him out, and he's just screaming and crying so hysterically that it kills me. I remember thinking he was a much better actor than I had given him credit for at that

I second that wish! I remember loving it, then finding out that the critics pretty much dismissed it, and people I knew just hated it. Come to think of it, I had a similar experience with my reaction to Jackie Brown being vastly different than friends and reviews I read.

Yeah, and I find it impossible to watch Grier in the film and not see the performance as also a meta commentary on her own life and career in film, which I imagine was part of Tarantino's intent. Normally that sort of thing might take you out of a film, but with Jackie I feel like it only enhances the impact of it all.

So people are still dismissing Jackie Brown as boring. Huh. One man's boring is another's bliss, clearly. For me, the film is downright sublime.

I think he's good in Jackie Brown but I tend to believe his last truly great performance was in Heat, so four years after your '91 cutoff.

Shoot, nice catch. I used to watch that one constantly back in the day, but it's been at least a decade now since I last saw it. Hell of a good movie, sadly forgotten these days, it seems.

"…minute long takes of Jackie walking towards Robert Forster coming out of the prison."

I hope not.

Your post sums up my life with comics lately pretty damn well. I have way too many unread comics and GNs stacked up around the house, yet I keep buying more. And I have the same problem with prose books. I'm always reading something (sometimes two things at once - one book at home and one at work during lunch), but at

I hear you. But Instocktrades is a great place to snag books at half off or close to it. They tend to sell new stuff at 50% off for the first week or two, I think.

I have a feeling I'll be hate-watching Lawrence just to watch my favorite actress, Michelle Pfeiffer, effortlessly run acting circles around her.

My exact thought also.

It's completely out of control these days. So many bars and restaurants are stocking around 75% IPAs, offering very little else to choose from for those of us that are sick and tired of IPAs. Look, there are some I enjoy, but it's annoying that they've become so dominant because there are so many other styles and